I am the most content when I am cooking or baking, especially if it is a new recipe or something I have created myself. I'm not so much the "going out/party" type anymore and when I'm not working (which is almost never), I enjoy watching a movie or reading a book. Also, I thoroughly enjoy a good game of Scrabble or Jenga. If you're not down with either of those games, you don't know what you're missing...
someone who does a nice pedicure/manicure in Albany for a fair price
that which tickles my fancy and suits my mood.
My movie collection reads like that of a disturbed child - - Zombie movies and Childhood Classics - with When Harry Met Sally and Girl Interrupted thrown in for good measure.
not too into tv when Lost is not in season
working on Love in the Time of Cholera
Moriah's Uncle Peter: The only man capable of having been assaulted ("stabbed" by a squeegee) by a gas station attendant in Cold Spring Harbor, NY