For every time period, there is an underground arts movement that is directly
inspired and motivated by its environment. Often for these groups of artists or
collectives there is a lack of social acceptance for various reasons. However in
many cases these same artist collectives prevail leaving behind a strong body of
work that leaves a lasting impression for future generations.Press pause is a Canadian based visual art collective deeply rooted and influenced
by urban culture. The collective was officially established in 2002 consisting of
4 artists - Lease, Elicser, Iah, and Homesick. The members of Press Pause work
individually in their own particular crafts: illustration, design, urban art, new media,
music, and sculpture. Collectively, Press Pause works on various projects including
live painting, installations, commissioned works and group exhibitions across the
country. With a vast client list and busy 2006 show calendar this next year only
poses new heights for Press Pause to reach.
I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V3.6 !