I'd like to meet:
How about all the other weird, confusing and loving people just like me!
Music? Right! I always feel better when I listen to Music! Right! The right kind of Music gives you the right mood! Right!
Movies are compareable with music. The movie you wanna what usually depens on your current mood. Sometimes I just need a to watch movies that doesn't have a sense or a deeper meaning. Nevertheless there are a few exceptions... First case: There are a couple movies which everone should have seen. So called classics, like godfather 1-3. Can you think of more? Second case: You have seen an awesome preview and you just cannot resist that movie! Third and last case: You are doing a favour to the girl or guy you want to impress and see a movie that you would never spend a cent on!
Hate TV.
Uuuuh! I love books cause there are so many of them. they are ageless and they don't break. I wish I had more time reading all of them! My favorites are classics and strange books people don't know of....
I don't know if any of you guys know Dan Osman? He is and always will be a hero. Died in an climbingaccident. In memory of one of the greates rockclimbers ever.