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About Me

ME: SCREENWRITER WITH A TWISTED TV SAGA 'BOUT 4 MESSED UP URBANITES (3 GUYS & A GIRL), RUNNING A REHEARSAL STUDIO FOR ROCK BANDS. MUCH JUICY SEX, COARSE LANGUAGE, CANNABIS CONSUMPTION & ASSORTED ROCK 'N' ROLL DEPRAVITY CONTAINED THEREIN.TITLE: "SONIC GARAGE". 'Tis a series proposal with a KICK-ASS PILOT SCRIPT. Plus funny character bios.DIABLO C... U VILL LUFF IT! SO ADD ME ALREADY. SARAH POLLEY SEZ U BETTER, or next Oscars... SHE'LL KICK YER ASS!It's all about the CREATIVITY...'m also on FACEBOOK (aka FACEFUCK) under my given name: BRUCE MACMILLANNot doin' much blogin' on MySpace these days.HOWEVER...Did you know NELSON MANDELA is from an African tribe who are, genetically, the progenitors of all the subsequent tribes and ethnic groups which now constitute the vast array (rather too vast in my estimation) of humankind? I saw a PBS doc hosted by a genetic scientist of some renown (sorry, I can't remember his name), who did a series of traces, using genetic marker methodology, and his research, covering the approximately 40,000 years of human migrations out of Africa and beyond, proved this to be true. So, yes, apparently we're all African under our epidermis.OKAY, HE DIDN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT NELSON MANDELA, but the tribe is from the same part of Africa, and SHIT DO THEY HAVE A LOT OF SIMILAR PHYSICAL FEATURES TO MR. M. Actor MORGAN FREEMAN also has a lot of that same look.Beyond that, we may all be constituted of infinitesimally tiny, vibrating strands of energy which resonate in 7 additional dimensions (in addition to the ones we know), too small to be detected with current technology (though they're working on it). This, according to those who study STRING THEORY.And... a single "STRING", as predicted by said theory, is SOOO small, if an atom was the size of the earth, a string would be the size of a tree... if you get the comparison I'm making. Welcome to the real Smallville.Bruce.... aka "STIRDAHONEYPOT"

My Interests

Bodily fluids and fluid bodies

I'd like to meet:

YOU...yes I would!!!


Steely Dan: ("Drink Scotch Whisky all night long, and die behind the wheel...")Springsteen: ("I'll love you with all the madness in my soul...")Tish 'Amour: (" Now here I go, I'm lookin' for treasure, What will I find, the pain or the pleasure?")Pretenders: ("I'm not the kind I used to be I gotta get a 33 BABY!")


Chinatown, To Live and Die in L.A., The Apartment, Some Like It Hot, The Fly(Cronenberg's Version), Fear Of A Black Hat, Brother From Another Planet, Apocalypse Now, Fight Club, etc...


Deadwood, South Park, The Sopranos, Family Guy, The Larry Sanders Show, Arrested Development, Rescue Me, Weeds, various docs...


Fire In The Lake, A Blessing On The Moon, One Hundred Years of Solitude, No One Writes To The Colonel...


Donald Fagen, Joni Mitchell, Bruce Springsteen, Emmylou Harris, Jodi Foster, Suicide Girls, Chrissie Hynde, Leonard Cohen, Mat and Trey, Janey Runaway...