BleedingWorship profile picture



About Me

"Sometimes I stand with open gates, and me, I'm free to run, run through Your gates. I ride Your wave, I can hardly keep up. And my stomach is filled with butterflies as You carry me up and down through the tunnnels of Your grace. Sometimes though, I am weak. Much weaker than they all know. And though it looks like I am leading, truly, I am only BLEEDING WORSHIP"(By Heather Clark, BLEEDING WORSHIP. Album: Selah. Hikkup Records.)

My Interests

I like to write. I enjoy debates. Discussing taboo issues. Listening to music. Watching movies. Hanging out in dive bars. Sipping wine and giggling with my ladies.

I'd like to meet:

President BushTo hug him and then hit him


Rock, Emo, Jazz with lyrics, R&B, good songs to karoke to, Oldies, Classics, Indie...sometimes and Gospel.


My Movie Personality
My Top Rated Movies

Category My Ratings
Blockbusters OK
Comedies Yuck
Action Bad
Love Good
More Stuff OK

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Check out my page on Flixster - add me if u r on!
Romance. Good comedy. Action. Suspence. I hate cartoon anything and cannot stand stupid humor movies. (like anything with Jim Carey) Favorite all time movie - Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. Ya, I'm all girl! As far at "artsy films" go - I've only really enjoyed The Piano and Secretary. (if you call that "artsy stuff")


What can I say? I'm a Law & Order junkie. SVU is my favorite. I'm obsessed with Sex & the City, Charmed, Friends re-runs, TLC makeover stories and Seinfeld. I hate cartoons...and I have to confess, although I'm embarred to say, but Reality TV is awesome! (Nanny 911, the Real World etc...) Addition: I LOVE GREY'S ANATOMY!


I loved Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller! Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge. Chroniclas of Narnia, C.S. Lewis.I also enjoy a good Mary Higgins Clark mystery and I sometimes get into Francine Rivers. I loved her Redeeming Love novel.I also have a secret obsession with R.C. Sproul. His book The Gospel of God: Romans changed my faith for the better.And just to throw things around, I love the children's book Oh, the Places You'll Go by Dr. all-time favorite book is a small paperback written on a 4th grade level titled Jane Emily. I read it in like 6th grade and loved it so much I memorized the first paragraph. (I can still recite it *grins*)


I don't really have any. There are people I respect but heroism? I'm not sure that's a concept that is actually healthy. So, I'll just say this. I respect world-changers, reformers, civil rights leaders - anyone who stands for something beyond the status quo.

My Blog

Out in the Open

I love this part of the Christmas story, mainly because it's so often overlooked and yet it carries more significance than I think we really understand 200 years removed from His birth...:namespace pr...
Posted by BleedingWorship on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 09:01:00 PST

New Beginnings

I got a new job that I begin on August 6th!  I've very excited to be a new part of the Mt. Lebanon Untied Methodist Church community.  I join them as the Coordinator of Christian Education.&...
Posted by BleedingWorship on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 10:47:00 PST

Read this: It's what I've been sayin' for 9 months...

Honor Missing at Duke Wednesday, April 26, 2006 Ray McNulty - Scripps Howard News Service "What has happened to honor? That's the question I've been asking as this made-for-TV drama about the Duke Un...
Posted by BleedingWorship on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 08:51:00 PST

"Friday's Here

But Sunday's Coming..."
Posted by BleedingWorship on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 02:38:00 PST

Aunt Me

My sister went into the birthing center, 8 cm dilated at 3:00 A.M. Friday morning. A little over three hours later, after very hard labor, at 6:40 A.M. she delivered Nadia Joelle - 9lbs 2oz, 23 i...
Posted by BleedingWorship on Sun, 19 Mar 2006 07:10:00 PST

Lenten Season: My Confessions

Today begins 46 days of lent...the time before the Christian festivity of Easter - the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  For me, particularly this year, it's an ominous time: a ti...
Posted by BleedingWorship on Thu, 02 Mar 2006 07:54:00 PST

"Living In Your Letters"

Dashboard ConfessionalI'm always assuming the worst,but you're going on nonethelessand there's nothing to cushion your heart led fall.Letters from further awaykeep pulling me close to home.And there's...
Posted by BleedingWorship on Sat, 04 Feb 2006 03:02:00 PST

Stolen From the Moon:

1. Spell your first name backwards: yasdnil 2. Story behind your myspace name: the poem's the poem!  i'm not into bleeding while worshiping contrary to popular belief *wink*  i just...
Posted by BleedingWorship on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 02:36:00 PST


Counting Crows sings a song called Round Here and I love that song because it's raw and it talks about a girl who's lost...distanced even from herself. One of the lines in the song says: "she parks he...
Posted by BleedingWorship on Fri, 09 Dec 2005 08:40:00 PST

...down with the sickness

Confusion is pounding in my head and dark muddles with light - the battle rages again.  Loneliness.  Discontentment. Relentless nagging thoughts... murderous pangs of grief... ...
Posted by BleedingWorship on Sat, 26 Nov 2005 08:03:00 PST