Welcome Business Professionals Joe LoBalsamo- Creator Of…..."Entrepreneur Wealth Inc"
== http://myspace.sevenfigurewealth.comWho Is This Guy Joe LoBalsamo Anyway!
"Joe LoBalsamo here from Buffalo NY and I want to welcome you to my site. Allow me to talk to you about who I am and how I began the journey to be an entrepreneur full time.I was born in Brooklyn NY. Shortly after my family decided to move us to Long Island NY were I lived most my life up to the age of 29. While growing up there I always knew that I had the entrepreneur fire within me. Around the age of 22 I started my first business on the net selling children's toys. Created my own web site and all that. Little did I know it would be more challenging then I thought. I did that for about a year and made some money. However I decided it was not a good fit for me and so I stopped.
I continued working in the corporate world as painful as it was. However I was always looking for a way to be in control of my own life running my own business. I decided to move to Buffalo NY with my family at the age of 29 Years. At this point I brought two beautiful girls into the world who I love tremendously. Lisa and Olivia. When you start a family you really have a massive reason to become a success. Although my reason was always to fire corporate America from my life.
"I enjoy to spend time with family camping, barbeques, pool parties and doing physical activities at the park. I personally love to go fishing, camping, golf and of course making a massive amount of money. Most importantly I love creating wealth with like minded business people who have big dreams and always live in the solution when it comes to creating a rich abundant lifestyles.
"I don't care for people who wine all the time about how bad their life is or talk about others because they don't feel good about themselves. These are people who live in the problems of life and are only good at bringing people down with them in a burning blaze! I call these people the emotional vampires who love sucking the life force and energy from people who have big dreams and who want to become more then just a statistic in life.
"Being a successful entrepreneur, home business trainer and Internet network marketing coach gives me the opportunity to help as many professional entrepreneurs that want to become more of a success in what they do. Today I run successful businesses worldwide. Most importantly I get to show others how to do the same for their benefit as well. Working with so many professionals is a blessing for me and allows all parities involved to benefit.
" If you would like to learn more about who I am and what I do just click around this site and feel free to contact me to talk! 1-716-871-1211
"Stop By My Sites For A Visit Below"
== http://myspace.sevenfigurewealth.comProfessional MySpace Layouts by Iron Spider