Calling out to all Riverside fans who are willing to do just that one step extra!
Since you've managed to find your way to this page, more than likely we all have one thing in common. We are all Riverside fans. The Riverside Street team is merely to promote these great artists troughout Myspace, the Internet, Pubs, Clubs and beyond... We will not invade your privacy or spam!
And now it's your turn to show your affection and devotion by promoting Riverside to all your friends, acquaintances, fellow students, colleaques, people you meet. together we can make this band grow. If you would like to help support the band, we welcome any ideas, suggestions, etc.
If you join the Riverside Street Team, please consider adding us to your top friends which will help us tremendously. Thank you!
"Please note we don't mind adding bands at all, but prefer it if you don't advertise in the comments section. Thank you!"
Although we allow picture comments, please keep the size small. Large picture comments will be removed!
Copy a banner into your myspace or into your friends comments!
Tune into the live video webcast of Riverside concert at the Paradiso - Main Hall on 10 Dec 08 :
Check out upcoming tour dates:
Official website: