I'm Ellen. 19 Years old at the moment. Will turn 20 in 3 months. Hurrah for 30th of July. I currently live somewhere near to Eindhoven in a place you've never heard of. I study Media Design in Eindhoven at the Fontys Academy. I love Apple, I work with Macintosh (currently own the newest Macbook), want to get an iMac and iPod touch in the near future. I also love photography and that's what I'd like to do in my free time. I go to gigs and shoot pictures. I do not own a dSLR at the moment myself, but use a Canon 400D sometimes.
I want to spend my money on too many things, and being a student I just can't save money and spend it on anything I like what I see :P I work in a Chinese restaurant, by the way.
I always disliked the question "what do you want to be when you've grown up?". I mean, how does a kid of 14 years old know what he/she wants to do for the rest of his/her life. Thought of things like journalism, primary school teacher, highschool teacher.. Actually studied one year in Tilburg at the Fontys for Professional Education. When people still ask me that same question, I usually answer "well, hope I grow up first then!". According to my passport I'm 1.63 but I was 14 when I got my first passport (holy shit, 14??) so I assume I'm a little bit taller now *lol*.
I have a thing for Italy, but I've never been there.. Italy's definitely one of the countries I would like to visit within a year or so... would love to go to Ireland, Greece and the USA aswell.
I love love love love Nintendo's Mario games. Put me in front of a Gamecube, or whatever plays Mario games, and I'll probaly be busy for the rest of the day. Yeah, pathetic.
I can't believe how fucked up this world is lately. Think about it...
I have seen 30 Seconds to Mars twelve times live by now. Been to Scotland, England, Wales, France and my own country to see them. I can honestly say those roadtrips were one of the greatest experiences ever! Not only it's great to see 30STM live that many times, but it's even more amazing to share moments and friendship with people from all over Europe.. or the whole continent, actually. To all the people I met on our roadtrip: it was really nice meeting you, I love you all.. I really hope we can share many more experiences like these. The night in Birmingham (2007) with the Echelon was AWESOME!
I have done, and still do, some things for bands/artists. I am not the kind of person arriving at 11 in the morning in front of a venue, who desperately wants to be in the front. I don't get why people even want to spend the night before in front of the door of a venue. Please explain if you're one of them. I don't have the need to meet all bands, wait for hours outside. It's all about having a good time when a band is on stage.
I won't give out my private e-mail to unknown people, but for any fanmail/msn you can reach me at
[email protected] :o)
Oh, I really don't have a high self-esteem, even though all the paragraphs above begin with "I" :P
Oh, to those people who want to add me. Friggin' upload a picture of YOURSELF! By this time I've had 2991602 Jared Leto's requesting me as a friend on MySpace.. seriously, put up a picture of yourself!
I do NOT randomly accept bands. Only if I REALLY like your music. Therefore, leave me a message if you want me to add you, that's the least thing you can do. Right? Thanks. If you don't leave a message I probably won't accept you.
Check out the Dutch Official Fansite for 30 Seconds to Mars!
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