Mmmmm, I'm never quite sure what to say. I'm ex-Army, masculine, kind of a homebody, and not much into clubs or the people who can only have fun going there EVERY night
Let's see... well, "me" is a very fluid concept. I was born in Portsmouth, Virginia,was raised "down South", but spent my teen years in Northeast Ohio. I'm not exactly sure what's to tell, but as far as my personality is concerned I'm mostly an "easy-going, long walks, candlelight type of asshole, with a hint of ambition and a splash of temperment."
Have my B.A. in Ancient Religions and Cultures and an MBA in Business Management. I didn't want to teach or go to Law School... and I didn't feel like being a broke writer for the rest of my life, so I managed companys.
A little over four years ago I quit my job as Director of Human Resources for Omega Cable and moved to Texas in order to open my own cable/fiber optics company called PULSE Cable and Communications. Within a year I had about 136 employees, with offices in McAllen and San Antonio, and had everything going great... but running a cable company wasn't what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.
I recently finished selling PULSE so I could do something different with my life. Over the past few years I've published a number of short stories, and 5 or 6 childrens plays. You can either order them at Border's or there is at least one available online at:
hers.htm (Okay, so I'm a little conceited about my writing... BITE ME!)
While I was negotiating the sale of PULSE I had a non-compete agreement with the buyers, so I took the time to branch out a bit and get my massage therapy license and a cosmetology license. (Now I have those to go along with my MBA in Business.) I had planned on opening a spa in San Antonio within the next year... had even entered into negotiations with the bank... but a once in a lifetime opportunity came my way... a job as a Staff Writer for Modern Salon Magazine.
So I sold my house in San Antonio and moved to Houston, Texas! (Now I know how Jed Clampett felt when he, "loaded up his truck and moved to Beverely.") Now my dream of opening my own spa will have to wait for a year or two. Okay, I lied. The spa isn't my real dream... it's more of an "exciting idea". My "dream" is to finish the book I started a little over a year ago... but that has to take the backseat to doing what pays the bills. (If I had my way I'd work on that full-time, but the idea of being a "starving artist" gets me depressed... so unfortunately, what I want to do will be placed on the backburner while I pursue work that pays a little better.)
I'm kind of a nerd... I love books and learning new things. Which is why those of you who know me know that I am FOREVER taking classes... pottery, salsa, cooking, martial arts... you name it, I've probably taken it. (Or will, once I find some place where I like the teacher or the methods.)
Two months ago I finished my Internship in Avanced Doula Techniques and just finished my National Accreditation tests... so I am now licensed to "aid in the delivery of babies" and "provide information and support to a mother in the process of delivering so that she is aware of her options and able to make the best choices for herself and her baby." (In layman's terms, "When a woman goes into labor I rub her muscles, get her to relax, explain what is going on, and keep the doctors from screwing her over... ." Needless to say, I am not always that popular with the hospital medical staff.)
Now that I'm finished with that training program I have plenty of spare time on my hands. So on my days off I go to school full-time in order to get a degree in Sign Language Interpreting. (Hey, I didn't want or need a PhD in Business Administration... and Sign Language is a lot of fun.)
When I have free time:I enjoy jumping out of planes, shooting pool, reading, rock climbing, traveling, learning how to ride a motorcycle (without killing myself), playing tennis,hanging out with friends at 24-hour restaurants (VIVA IHOP!!!), and volunteering as a Victim's Advocate here in Houston.
When it comes to Life, I refuse to limit myself. I try to surround myself with positive people who are open to the experieces which Life has to offer. (And I've found that in order to get the most out of every minute, I sometimes have to leave my "comfort zone" and try new things as I come across them.) It's funny, but 95% of the greatest experiences I have had so far in my life have come pretty much at random... moments and events that "just happened".
If there's anything else in particular you would like to know about me... ASK! I'm a pretty laid-back guy who is always looking to make friends with cool people. If that sounds like you, either send me a message on here or hit me up at...
[email protected] .