GODIVA profile picture


The Finest Chocolate Known To Man.

About Me

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME...2007 "Godiva" has a diverse background which has led her into various facets of the business world. Her natural passion for public relations and event coordinating inspired her to become the co-founder of Vizions In Progress which is an entertainment initiative that strives to cater to diverse demographic groups through event coordination, promotions, and marketing. As a first-generation American whose parents emigrated from Ghana to pursue a better life in the United States, Harriet attributes her greatest accomplishment thus far to being the first to attend and graduate from a University.Get Your Own! | View SlideshowAlthough a very out-going and personable individual, she knows when and how to get down to business. Ask about her!!!!

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My Blog

The Definition of a Real Man or Woman...

I'm in one of my thinking moods as I sit here at work...and I'm wondering to myself what is the definition of a REAL man/woman... I've been dating for some time now and I've come across all genres of ...
Posted by GODIVA on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 08:06:00 PST