JeffreyChrist AntiStar profile picture

JeffreyChrist AntiStar

The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious~

About Me

Unlike a majority of New York gay men, I do not live a 'lifestyle', I live a 'life' - and a happy one. I have my love, I have my friends, I have my passions. Being gay is a 'part' of me - it does not 'define' me. I refuse to live by the conformed walls of definition…I live to if it's ever time to go, i Iill have no regrets about not knowing the beauty of our existence... I'm normal kinda guy, critical, loving, judgemental/non-judgemental, sarcastic, soulful, altruistic, funny, a skeptic, artistic, self-deprecating...and a compendium of all such labels...but ya get the idea~~my microcosm is really my macrocosm so come and be part of me...

Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

music, love, movies, pop culture, politics, passion, philosophy, poetry, film criticism, music criticism

I'd like to meet:, you, and of course, you...


...and I like some kind of... TIME/LIFE edition...tradition... competition... being the only thing that I really have to remember... the great singers and the great players...


Here's just a few of them, in no particular order of preference or devotion...just in the ol' ABC order...

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I have no personal heroes, but immortals like Martin Luther Kind and Rosa Parks are heroes for obvious reasons. And then there's that Jesus Christ fellow - tell me another mortal who could con billions of people into believeing he's a son of a god way up in a sky...and have them believe it for thousands of years? Now THAT'S cool!

My Blog

American Idol Report Card Top 10: Performance & Results

Well, with Jury Duty over, I only have one tragedy to deal with and that’s my sickly hard drive.  Hopefully my pals at work, the uber techs extraordinaire, will be able to ease my fragile ...
Posted by JeffreyChrist AntiStar on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 05:55:00 PST

American Idol Report Card

Oops, I failed to inform you one and all (or no one) that I’ve started an American Idol Blog.  Now, this might imply that I am obsessed with the show, but not really.  Okay, sorta. Yah...
Posted by JeffreyChrist AntiStar on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 10:37:00 PST

Funny Games

I don’t make it a point to review films often...too big a task. But after viewing an advanced copy of this, I couldn’t stay silent anymore. Naomi Watts, long now merely a welfare-Nicole K...
Posted by JeffreyChrist AntiStar on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 02:07:00 PST

Everything Wrong With Xtina Aguilera

Ahh, my cyber-pal (and fellow MTV Network - via Vh1 - co-worker) Rich over at fourfour created this brazilliant montage of Christina Aguilera's insane, maniacal vocals from her Concert in Australia DV...
Posted by JeffreyChrist AntiStar on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 02:07:00 PST

Heath Ledger

A revelatory, astonishing performance by a good-sure-to-be-great actor in a very-good-not-great film. That's what I said when I first saw Heath Ledger in 'Brokeback Mountain.' So few times in my film...
Posted by JeffreyChrist AntiStar on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 07:54:00 PST

Atheism Is The New Black

I always joke with my friends that I claim I'm an agnostic "just in case".  In all actuality, I could be any various forms of agnostic.  I could be an atheistic agnostic, which is ...
Posted by JeffreyChrist AntiStar on Sat, 19 Jan 2008 12:12:00 PST

Tom Cruise Is Nuts...

...yes, we all know this to be true. Just click on the link - that'll learn ya.  I'd argue that his oddity has less to do with Scientology than other aspects, but I digress.  ...
Posted by JeffreyChrist AntiStar on Wed, 16 Jan 2008 01:11:00 PST

The Best & Worst Films of 2007 - That Ive Seen

Granted, I haven't seen every film released in 2007 (hell, I haven't seen most of the sure-to-be Oscar contenders like Sweeney Todd).  But, thanx be to the power of For Your Consideration Oscar D...
Posted by JeffreyChrist AntiStar on Wed, 26 Dec 2007 03:48:00 PST

Perhaps Ronald Reagan WAS Wise!

"A moment I've been dreading. George (Bush Sr.) brought his ne're-do-well son around this morning and asked me to find the kid a job. Not the political one who lives in Florida . The one who hangs aro...
Posted by JeffreyChrist AntiStar on Fri, 14 Sep 2007 06:42:00 PST

The Love Boat Musical: The Gayest Thing In The History Of TV?

Ahhh&TV rarely gets as gay as this anymore (besides Bravo, HGTV and American Idol, of course). Enjoy these lavendar nuggets, first aired in the early 80s, at the time when the Chelsea Piers were a br...
Posted by JeffreyChrist AntiStar on Fri, 31 Aug 2007 09:25:00 PST