My wife, World of Warcraft, Paintball and online comic strips.Something Postive is my new favorite Really enjoy Questionable Content and the Perry Bible Fellowship--This is not a religous comic.My favorite comic I have ever read is actually a spinoff of Half Life 2 that recently ran its course called Concerned The Half life and Death of Gordon Frohman. Followed a second character that screwed everyhting up and caused many of the problems that the protaginst of the games had to fix. Very amusing to say the least.Sir shouldn't we stand around those explosive barrels to look less conspicous. Good idea.
The Man in the Moon.
Things that sound interesting. I listen to comedy stations on XM radio nowadays.
Shawshank RedemptionEverything else is just second rate.
I leave my TV on either The Discovery Channel or the Hitler Channel because there is a little H in the bottom corner. That's basically all I ever watch.
Terry Pratchett novels. I love discworld. Pretty much anything written by Orson Scott Card. Catch 22, Harry Potter books, The fall of Berlin, Stalingrad, The Wheel of Time novels, and basically anything and everthing else I find interesting.
Police Officers. If I am funding some organization that much money they either better be my personal hero or holding me up at gunpoint, however the second option wasn't a category.