If you have a PRIVATE PROFILE & ask me to add you...you need to send me an email (one that gives me a damn good reason to add you) as well. When I go to my add requests, I like to view the profiles first before approving...but if yours is private I can't view it so I have to deny you. I'm not sorry; just letting you know....
Thank you Leo. I totally LOVE This!!!!!!!
I automatically deny friend requests from anyone under 18
(unless I know you personally)
Nani, One of my four German Shepherds
Me with my favorite color hair!!!!!!
Myspace..ourspace..yourspace..blah blah! If you're thinking about adding me as a friend let me tell you a few things just in case you value your time. Adding just to get another friend in your numbers is stupid. Trust me, if you ask me to add you and I never ever hear from you, I will delete you. If I do hear from you & you are pathetic, I will delete you. Should I be the one to have requested to be added to your list it's because you seem to be neither stupid or pathetic, and there is something about you that I find interesting.
..What in the world would I say about me......If I say I'm shy no one ever believes it LOL. But hey...it's cool with me. Anyway...lets see...well about me me me me me, okay, so it's all about me, and yet still you go away with nothing....
Thats okay...because really, if you want to know something about me, then ask. I'm fairly outgoing, so give it a shot!
I'm not interested in hooking up with anyone from ... I'm in a relationship; the same one I've been in for 19 years. That should give you some idea of what kind of person I am.
I am however interested in peoples thoughts, ideas, dreams, etc..basic intelligent and sometimes humorous conversation! So far I have met some really neat people through myspace that I must say I would so love to meet personally! Just because I'm shy doesn't mean I won't talk...and it also doesn't mean I won't call it like I see it!bai bai *wink*
Where she used to be