Sumr profile picture


We dance in a circle and suppose The truth sits in the center, and knows..

About Me

a few things....KALI & GANAPATI, love to collect books and read, own 2 cats, now a MOMMY of 2 beautiful BOYS, passionate dancer of butoh/modern/performance art, lovely BOLLYWOOD....lovely, INDIA, weakness for laced up corsets or anything of the sort, BLUE GREENBLUE BLUEGREEN AQUABLUE BABYBLUE LITE BLUE, over-the-knee stocking girl, years of practice channeling the divine energy above, yoni to lingam to yoni, hazel eyes, curlyQ head, LADEEEEEE......... One of my biggest accomplishments ever: traveling to Mysore, India and studying Astanga Yoga under the direction of Sri K. Pattabhi Jois and his grandson Sharath. I will never forget this experience, my stay in the most exhilerating country I have encountered yet...Mother India.. IN THE MARKET PLACE OF THIS WORLD, THE MOTHER SITS FLYING HER KITE. IN A HUNDRED THOUSAND, SHE CUTS THE STRING OF 1 OR 2 AND WHEN THE KITE SOARS UP INTO THE INFINITE, OH HOW SHE LAUGHS AND CLAPS HER HANDS -ramprasad
Layout made by Shayne ..
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You Are Cookie Monster
Misunderstood as a primal monster, you're a true hedonist with a huge sweet tooth.
You are usually feeling: Hungry. Cookies are preferred, but you'll eat anything if cookies aren't around.
You are famous for: Your slightly crazy eyes and usual way of speaking
How you life your life: In the moment. "Me want COOKIE!" The Sesame Street Personality QuizGIINKO MARISCHINO....PERFORMANCE ART!

My Interests

modigliani, Astanga Yoga, reading books and periodicals, knowing the unknown, returning to my dreamstates, ambience, pregnancy, anything CAPIZ, furniture and interior/architectural design, peaceful settings, Gustav Klimt, beautiful bangles, bjork, Ganapati, the colors red and baby blue together... and much more alas she looks up into the infinite and oh how she sits and stares the eyes so wide the ears so open the mouth so unearthed from this tiny placeKitttti Kattt miu.......xxoo


ummmm....too hot!!!

I'd like to meet:

YOU, OF COURSE!!! Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


hmmmmmmmm.... to name a few...Talvin Singh, Brian Setzer, Stray Cats, old New Order, The English Beat, Matt Bianco, Swing blues.., D&B, Classical piano and cello, Brazilian, Arabian & Indian beats, Ukulele strums, Dead Can Dance, MADONNA, bjork, Marilyn Manson, EBTG, Bebel Gilberto, BOLLYWOOD SOUNDTRACKS, .....and SILENCE, the sound of the Universe. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


lady jane... A room with a view... whale rider... the neverending story... the dark crystal... all matrix... english patient... Kamasutra (A tale of Love)... the Namasake... Across the Universe... farenheight 911... crouching tiger hidden dragon... kill bill 1 & 2... the constant gardener... TO LIVE... Spring Summer Autumn Winter and Spring... Asoka... Mughal e Azam... Pillow Book... all Mira Nair's films... and so much more


project runway, desperate housewives, all HGTV, HOUSE, M.D., Work Out!, Grey's Anatomy Current T.V., so you think you can dance..., news, style home, channel 833 on cable


THE BONE PEOPLE, The God of Small Things, Behold a Pale Horse, The Endless Ring, The Honolulu Weekly, desilicious, aphrodite's daughter, rumi rumi rumi... my calendars, my journals, manuels, MAGAZINES, GODDESS DEVOTION, ancient mysteries of the unknown......


my sister. my mom and dad. my Mister.... Hideki & Kenji. FELINES. BOLLYWOOD STARS, Guruji (Sri K. Pattabhi Jois), and the open sky..... Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Blog

Ive never felt so free

Posted by Sumr on Fri, 09 May 2008 09:45:00 PST