working for the Current TV, borrowing the company mustard for personal ventures (i.e. sandwich making), fried chicken, not working, 1939 World's Fair, ghost riding, 1987 Volvos, making movies, junkyards, 1987 Subaru wagons, deepak chopra, gambling with other peoples' lives, free cigars, heat, the fair, too many 50's tables, fake cheese, Auburn, falling asleep at work, car shows, making commercials, pee wee, buying old shit, finally having a garage to keep all my shit, not having a garage to keep all my shit anymore, free crappy dinner at Chevys, working at the nucleon plant, old bikes, jameson, having a job description that includes watching tv, relativity AND special relativity, sparko & electro, atomic bombs, harassing people on myspace, being a filthy jew, moving, beer that magically appears in the trunk of my car, FREE bicycles and lots of em, the 1910s-early 1960s, watching people crash their cars multiple times while driving drunk, three legged dogs, drunken bike riding, tomatoes (rekindling my love affair with them)
Buddy Holly, D.I., Eddie Cochran, The Jarmels, Desmond Dekker, The Five Keys, Richie Valens, Johnny Cash, The Sonics, The Wailers, Skid Row, The Trauma Queens, Skrewdriver, Phil Phillips and the Twilights, Ludacris, Carl Mann, Dion, Hot Hot Heat, Hank Williams, Red Foley, The Hives, Red Elvises, The Diamonds, Carl Perkins, The Pixies, Bobby Rydell
Heat, Adaptation, Human Nature, Being John Malcovitch, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Big Top Pee Wee, A Trip to the Moon, American Graffiti, Back to the Future 1 and 2 (3 was totally gay), Bartleby, Fight Club, The Outsiders, La Bamba, Le Chien Andalou, Chopper, Napoleon Dynamite
The Simpsons
The Catcher in the Rye, David Sedaris
Nikola Tesla, Salvador Dali, Crispin Glover