...because I'm a scorpion, it's my nature profile picture

...because I'm a scorpion, it's my nature

I'm the Mama :P

About Me


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You Are 60% Weird
You're so weird, you think you're *totally* normal. Right?
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Long, Random, Interesting, Bored, Blah, Fun.
The Basics
Full name:: Melissa, but your best bet is Missy...I forget my name is Melissa, too, sometimes and have a hard time responding to ppl when they call me Melissa :P
Home town:: Born: Laconia, NH; Grew up: Granite Shoals, TX
Birthday:: November 4, 1982
Hair color:: Naturally light brown....currently red
Eye color:: Brown
Height:: 69 inches tall! :D
Contacts or glasses:: None
Piercings:: Had 9, have 7
Do you wear any rings?: One
What shoes do you wear?: Whatever is comfy
Just Lately
How are you today?: Accepting
What pants are you wearing?: BDU Pants
What shirt are you wearing?: T-Shirt
What song are you listening to right now?: Nothing
What was the last thing you ate?: Ummm...Niccole's homemade chicken fried rice....MMMMM!!!!
How is the weather right now?: From what I've seen kinda cloudy
What time is it?: 10:41 AM
More About You
What are the last four digits of your phone?: Nothing...got cut off last week
If you were a crayon what color would you be?: Black
Have you ever almost died?: Not that I know of
Do you like the person you got this survey from?: Yes, very much
What makes you happy?: My daughter
What's the best advice ever given to you?: "Just let it go."
Ever done drugs?: Yes
What sport do you hate the most?: Ummmm
What sport do you love the most?: Football
How many TVs do you have in your house?: One
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: No
Have you ever broken a bone?: No
Who do you tell your dreams to?: My boyfriend
Your Friends
Who is the...
Loudest?: Tim
Quietest?: Lisa
Weirdest?: Greg
Smartest?: Greg and Niccole
Funniest?: Jason
Most energetic?: Tim
Least energetic?: Niccole :D
Preppiest?: Ben :P
Blondest?: Shadow
One you can trust with anything?: Jason and Christina
Best friend?: Jason and Christina and Tim
Most likely to end up in jail?: Tim
Cutest?: Jason
Daredevil?: Tim
Shortest?: Niccole or Christina
Tallest?: Greg
Would you die for your friends?: No...only because of my daughter
Do you have a crush on any of your friends?: Yes
You and Love
Do you believe in love?: Yes
Do you believe in love at first sight?: Yes
Do you want to get married?: Yes
What song do you want to be played at your wedding?: Funny, I know what I want played at my funeral, but not my wedding
Long or short hair?: Short
Curly or straight?: Either
Tall or short?: Tall
Good boy or bad boy?: Little of both
Hat or no hat?: Whichever looks best and is comfy
Ears pierced or not?: Either
Dimples?: Don't matter
Studly or cutie?: Cutie
Smart or dumb?: Smart
Boxers or briefs?: Whatever is comfy
Funny or romantic?: Both
Lights on or off:: Off
McDonalds or Burger King:: McDonald's
Do you wish on stars?: Yes
Which finger is your favorite?: Middle
What do you think of the person you took this from?: I love my sister
Do you like your handwriting?: Sometimes
What's your favorite lunch meat?: Ham
Any bad habits?: Biting nails, smoking
Do you have any embarrasing CDs on your shelf?: Yes
If you were another person would you be friends with yourself?: Yes
Are you a daredevil?: No
Do looks matter?: No
What do you miss the most right now?: Jason
What are you thinking of right now?: I wish it was September and I was already in TX
Do you think there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: No
Do fish have feelings?: Yes
How do you release anger?: Scream
Where is your second home?: Mom's house or NH
Do you trust others easily?: Yes
What was your favorite toy as a child?: Polar Bear
What class in school do you use as "nap time"?: I only fell asleep twice in school from 3 to 17...once in 5th grade and once in 12th
Are you in love with someone?: Not yet
What's your favorite color(s)?: Black, blue, yellow, white
What is your least favorite thing in the world?: Liars and Theives
Ever been on TV or in the newspaper?: No
What do you do when you're sad or depressed?: Cry
Do you use sarcasm a lot?: NOO, not me!! :P
What are your nicknames?: Missy, Bubbles, now Shy
Would you bungee jump?: Doubtful
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?: No
What are you worried about right now?: Going to jail and my daughter not having the life I want for her and she deserves
Anything else you want to add?: If you're two-faced, back-stabbing, a liar, or a theif don't even bother to talk to me.
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You've been totally Bzoink*d What's your inner power? (Girls only sorry. Beautiful anime pictures, lengthy results)
Empathy- Your inner power is Empathy! This means that you have a talent for identifying others emotions, often by simply glancing at them. You are EXTREMELY shy and quiet. People sometimes dont notice youre around and seem surprised to find out you even exist in a big class. Youre the often silent, goody two shoes, and few get passed the walls youve built up to stop yourself being hurt, as you no doubt have been in the past. Not everyone understands you, in fact some think that youre a snob or worse because you rarely participate in group activities. Youre extremely sensitive, even the least harsh of words can hurt you. Only your very few, closest friends who have earned your hard-to-get trust know who you really are inside; a sweet, gentle young woman who is lonely and so desperately needing friends to support you. You can get very depressed and not always know why, despite your power of empathy, as it seems to only work for people outside you. Your friends always turn to you when they need advice or comforting, and in some way you need to give that helpit makes you feel better in return to know that youve helped out your friends. Despite your cold, impassive exterior and high, seemingly unbreachable walls, inside you are really a great, intelligent person, full of compassion and love, if only people would dare take a chance and try to get through your tough shell. Never let others get you down, or change you. You are very special the way you areeven if you dont have fifty thousand friends, you are just as, if not more extraordinary than everyone else. Reach for the stars, because I dont doubt youll catch hold of them. Boy/Girl who will sweep you off your feet: A sweet, shy and romantic man/woman. The kind of guy/woman you know will never, ever hurt you, and will love you for ever. The kind of person who believes in true love, and soul mates. Your stone: Blue Topaz Your power: Healing. Emotionally, physically, or spiritually, you heal people with your words, your actions and presence. Youre the one that the little children are always drawn to, because they know youll never let anything hurt them. Your element: Clairvoyance (The power to see objects or events that cannot be perceived by the normal five senses.) A quote that applies to you: "True beauty shines from the soul and warms the world with its kindness, compassion , and integrity."
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My Blog

about time i’m happy

yeah, so, i'm actually happy.  well, ya know, as much as can be.  passing school.  have an apartment with a man that actually gives a fuck about me and my kids.  trying to figure o...
Posted by ...because I'm a scorpion, it's my nature on Fri, 09 May 2008 08:06:00 PST

so, um, yeah

first, let me start by saying something to tim.  i want you to know that what i've said in my blog over the last two days and niccole's is not in anger.  i'm not mad, not anything like that....
Posted by ...because I'm a scorpion, it's my nature on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 09:05:00 PST

hey, tim, read this

you know, it's pretty shitty that after all the asking and all that shit to have lisa for christmas that you didn't even call her.  it's even more shitty to ask her if she thinks you should come ...
Posted by ...because I'm a scorpion, it's my nature on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 11:24:00 PST

wow...what a day

well, lily is a day and two hours old.  she's absolutely perfect.  eats like an old pro!  sleeps excellently.  i'm a little tired, but otherwise feel great.  i'll be putting u...
Posted by ...because I'm a scorpion, it's my nature on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 03:47:00 PST


i should be in the bed asleep...not writing, but i just couldn't help it.  lily-ann is so damn CUTE!!  she looks JUST like lisa...with a couple extra pounds!  she's absolutely wonderful...
Posted by ...because I'm a scorpion, it's my nature on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 06:05:00 PST

Lily-Ann Niccole

So it is official....Lily-Ann Niccole LeRoy made it safely into the world at 4:47 pm weighing in at 8lbs 14oz....Missy had a great birth, everything went extremely well, and they are both fine!  ...
Posted by ...because I'm a scorpion, it's my nature on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 04:02:00 PST

Lily-Ann isalmost here

This is Missys' brother and we all wanted to let you know that Lily-Ann is so close its almost rediculous. If we wait much longer she'll be a toddler when shes born...lol. updates to come!!
Posted by ...because I'm a scorpion, it's my nature on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 12:49:00 PST

oh, yay!

well, it's almost 7am.  i labored all day yesterday.  contractions sporadic and strong.  last time we checked i was sitting at 3cm (a cm more than two hours before, woohoo!).  of c...
Posted by ...because I'm a scorpion, it's my nature on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 03:55:00 PST


well, it's about 9:30 in the morning and i'm the only one up...well, lisa, too.  been having hard contractions all night.  so hard that they woke me up goodness knows how many times.  p...
Posted by ...because I'm a scorpion, it's my nature on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 06:32:00 PST

just stuff

well, i should be cleaning downstairs right now, but i have plenty of time to finish up.  i just couldn't resist writing about lisa this morning.  she's such a sweet little girl.  we ge...
Posted by ...because I'm a scorpion, it's my nature on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 09:17:00 PST