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Instead of a remarkable Fana-rama-ramo with the buttery colored backwards style Flims and matching Flams, with Wooly, rolled-up, post-man style strutting Spops, or course with ruby Ro-Do-Dan-Gerines (though an old pair without pan-banging-purple-jingle-jurkle), This Rube-bag of dirty ear to the gear Jelly-Bompers were Jeri-Bin-Labby-Jib-Nab! All-uh Slupturmbra thlrough blOctrabrahr! Unbeleiveable considering, a embarassing glack of Ruby limpy-loppy-lam, and oozy pilk, BOTH out at the loo-loo bin-blin-blot, and the bin-blin-blot-blog-ob-low-blaws. How Hembarassinb Or course, these Ram-Boinkers wore White-Shlirpts and x-x-tra wide Brool-Trainer-Bappers, or course for EZ bopping and EZ Blop-bop-flop. Surprisingly the only real problem this oo-oo-oo’d waren’t in “fill-the-hole” Raga-taglo-mania, and “Stuff-Bag” wogwog trends for Spogs, which had every Frog in Spog BAGGING not-fancy buttery colored backwards style Flims with wacky and Bi-wacky Fan “Wab-Nab” (from E-viro and E-viro-guy-ro), but instead in stuffy sweat-wetty drenches and dubios dirty ditches. [made popular by wet butter betters (the wealthy betters with lucky “Loomis-Lan, Lote Lan”, the Chinese bet guesser, who guessed what bet was best bet for bletter or f-blor f-blurst.)] He,W- N- soaked, due, T- hot sweats. Can you imagen a Fana-rama-ramo sweating through the Pipilipic styled Flims they wore for snool purpatootle of being snool and chin-chin-caz-niz-biz? Ha! In a world where P-frog snoopies P-frog, I am not surplised at all-off-el.