Horror Movies, filmmaking, photography (Film and digital), graphic design, photo illustration, history, science, and good people.
among many others, Neutral Milk Hotel, Tom Waits, The PaperChase, lots of big band stuff, Elvis (The King), Johny Cash.....i dunno, tons more.
Top 5:
1. The original Texas Chainsaw Massacre
2. Jaws
3. The Godfather part 2
4. Night of the Living Dead
5. Friday the 13th 1,2,3,4 & 6
and so many more. Slasher flicks of just about any kind, preferably of the 80's persuasion, Rob Zombies flicks, Robert Rodriguez, most Tarantino stuff, Eli Roth, jeez, so many to name
Simpsons, Futurama, Prison Break, Forensic Files, Seinfeld, House, The Shield, and could somebody please bring back USA Up All Night with Rhonda Shear and Monster Vision with Joe Bob Briggs?
i love to read, lately i find myself with less and less time to do it.