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Back on Oahu!

About Me

I'm well-balanced between extremes. I can party with the best of them but am very responsible when and where it counts (family/work/friends). I’m well-educated but grew up in a small town with good people, a good family and am still very down-to-earth. My sense of humor is a bit goofy at times, but nothing too off- key. I'm passionate about travel and experiencing new cultures, usually choosing to rough it over living it up… unless it’s about the vacation (Vegas, NYC, big cities) and not the adventure (3rd world countries…). A full life is about experiencing as much as possible, including the extremes so I purposely choose the lows to better enjoy the highs, and I laugh at life's irony...and my occasional misfortunes. I'm compassionate, empathetic, charming and occasionally witty; a calculated risk-taker. Trustworthy; I have many confidants.*Update* Now living near Micronesia in 2006. Still trying to make my way back to Newport Beach but I keep getting delayed (Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Diego Garcia, Hawaii!, Marshall Islands, Wyoming...).

My Interests

Traveling is my passion...I always want to see new things, places and people, scuba diving, racquetball, golf (just started but can't stop), boating, driving/road trips, etc.Fortunately, I get to do almost all of those things now...'cept the driving. I mostly ride a bike now because the island is so small.

I'd like to meet:

The whole package packaged in any number of ways. She should be confident, independent, intelligent and attractive; balanced with compassion, a warm heart and smile, and a fun-loving attitude. Someone with drive, goals and aspirations. One that can enjoy the high-life but can get dirty gracefully. Someone who takes as much or more pride in their inner-beauty as their outer-beauty. A woman who takes compliments for what they are without expecting or feeling that they deserve them (SOME humility please). Sexy and exotic looking is always a plus. And skinny little Nancy Callahan.


Varies greatly, but mostly alternative rock. No Doubt, Radiohead, Garbage, BT, Mansun, Marilyn Manson, Portishead, RHCP, Ruby, Tori Amos, Poe (went to school with her...she dated a roommate of mine in NYC too)...older stuff like the Beatles, Queen, Supertramp, Zepplin, Cheap Trick...used to be a big Prince fan growing up...some hip-hop....liked a lot of the somewhat older rock bands like The Cult, Guns and Roses, Nirvana, and Motley Crue.


Geez, I'll have to add to this list slowly: Donnie Darko, City of God, Lone Star, Schindler's List, Braveheart, Gladiator, Mystic River, classic mafia and war movies, Blazing Saddles...tbc


The usual HBO line up, The Office (the Brit. version is hilarious too), Arrested Development, BBC America, Discovery and Travel Channels, Animal Planet. But yes, some typical network shows too.


Just finished "The Kite Runner"..fantastic; "The Prophet", "The Teaching of Marcus Aurelius"; j"Rogue Nation: American Unilateralism and the Failure of Good Intentions" by Clyde Prestowitz" and currently reading "The Huntsman" by my friend Whittney Terrell (in TPK!) and just started "Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies" by Jared Diamond.


Mom and Dad, peaceful civil rights activists (Ghandi, Stephen Biko, etc), single mothers...

My Blog

My Brazil trip

My plans for early January are a little up in the air but my Brazil trip will be happening in late January either way.  Right now the rough plan is to fly into Rio first and spend roughly a week ...
Posted by M T on Thu, 28 Dec 2006 08:40:00 PST

My upcoming travel plans

The following link should send you to a calendar that will give you a rough idea of where I'll be the next several months.   Changes should be made regularly as I start to finalize all the bookin...
Posted by M T on Mon, 11 Dec 2006 01:18:00 PST

World Travel

Anyone who knows me well knows that I love to travel. Here's a full listing of all the countries I've been to (counting Hong Kong and Taiwan as separate from China).Countries1 Mexico2 Canada3 Spain4 P...
Posted by M T on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Returning to the US (Hawaii, Big Island)

Funny how life and ones plans can change so quickly. My last blog discussed an opportunity to get back to the US in early 2005. Then, a few weeks later, on the same day less than 10 minutes apart (on...
Posted by M T on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Key to surviving when traveling in Muslim, war torn regions...

...where "There is an ongoing threat to kidnap and assassinate U.S. citizens and Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) workers throughout the country." (see first journal entry) 1) Don't shave mu...
Posted by M T on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What's in a name?

So I'm in the mess hall at Bagram Airbase (Afghanistan) and this S. Korean soldier asks if he can sit down across from me. I say sure. So he sets his tray down, extends his hand to shake and as he s...
Posted by M T on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Out of Afghanistan...thank goodness.

My latest email update from the Embassy in Kabul. I sure am glad I'm not living there anymore!!! The Department of State strongly warns U.S. citizens against travel to Afghanistan. There is an on...
Posted by M T on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST