Radical Count profile picture

Radical Count

Radical Count

About Me

In english:

At the beginning there was Chaos... In fact, he was born in 1983 but it was only at the turn of 2006/2007 that he, infuenced by alcohol (or maybe he'd planned that before - nobody knows that) came up with an idea to start the band. Asking Steryd and Linux with "down bit" voice at the New Year's Eve Party "- hey, we are starting a band, you'll play, won't you?" (or something like that). Next day he went to Menius and put forward the same proposal (like the rest of his present companions) and so within 2 months in a Brzesko - Tarnow mini-bus on the way to school two Partizans (the name comes from the name of the street where the two live) came up with the name of the band, namely Radical Count (RC) and it stayed this way, because it sounds quite O.K. So, it's the name and the listo of members is complete. Right now the band is in the process of preparing new, more and more creative rtracks. We do music and you are going to hear about us soon. I have to finish this biography because nobody reads long and boring texts;) Take care!

Po polsku:

Na poczatku byl Chaos... Co prawda urodzil sie w 1983 roku, ale dopiero na przelomie 2006/2007 pod wplywem alkoholu (czy moze wczesniej to planowal - ktoz wie) wpadl na pomysl by zalozyc zespol. Pytajac na imprezie sylwestrowej dosc niewyraznym, ale dobitnym glosem Steryda i Linuxa: "ejjj, zakladamy kapele, zagracie co nie??" (czy cos w tym rodzaju). Nastepnego dnia podbil jeszcze do Meniusa i wyszedl z taka sama propozycja, co Menius przyjal wielce pozytywnie (zreszta jak reszta jego obecnych kompanow) i tak oto za jakies dwa miesiace w busie relacji Brzesko - Tarnow w drodze do szkoly, dwoch Partyzantow (od ul. Partyzantow na ktorej wyzej wymienieni mieszkaja) wymyslilo nazwe zespolu, a mianowicie Radical Count (RC) i tak juz zostalo, bo calkiem fajnie to brzmi. Czyli jest juz nazwa bandu i wszyscy czlonkowie w komplecie. W tej chwili zespol jest w trakcie tworzenia wciaz nowych i coraz to bardziej wymyslnych numerow. Ciagle gramy i niedlugo o nas uslyszycie. Koncze biografie, bo dlugich i nudnych wypocin nikt nie czyta..;) Pozdro!

My Interests


Member Since: 12/13/2007
Band Website: r-c.metal.org.pl
Band Members:
Iza vel. Linux - voc.

Steryd - git.

Menius - bass.

Zgrajski - dr.

Type of Label: None