I do stuff on occassion, but I prefer doing nothing.
Hillary Clinton - is she on myspace?
I really love Weezer, Arrested Development, and REM. I listen to other stuff too but I don't really need to.
1) Karate Kid - RIP Mr. Miyagi; 2) Beaches - I am pretty sappy; 3) Being John Malkovich - so strange its comforting; 4) Napoleon Dynamite - reminds me it could be worse, and there's that hot dance scene; 5) Valley Girl & Crossroads - helping me bring friends over to the dark side since Freshman year; 6) Goodfellas - just waiting to fall from grace, magically beome an Italian man, and saw people up for easier disposal
Gotta love Thursday nights! I miss 90210 though.
I don't really read anything that isn't an embarrassingly mindless fiction about some lady having a mid-life crisis at 28 so I'd prefer not to share.
Historically: Martin Luther King, Jr. In real life: hard to say, I have a lot of respect for my parents and siblings, but I can't say I have a real life hero - we all do the best we can.