I love going down bins (dumpser diving to you septics) and getting covered in shit.
Deaf people or people who, when you're really bareing your soul and telling them something realy personal and important, will, without missing a beat, start talking about someone who you've never heard of doing something totally irrelevant at their work, as if they'd never heard a word you'd spoken. Orcs.
(In no particular order) Sociadad Alkoholika, Pro Pain, Venom, Dickies, Rudimentary Peni, Toy Dolls, Slayer, Rancid, Gluecifer, Screaming J. Hawkins...
-- Everlast - What it's Like -- Video provided by The Source
Video code provided by MusicVideoCodes.com
Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee...
Fred and Rosie West 'cos they're not afraid to swim against the tide and won't be dictated by the restrictions of "normal" society