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About Me

I tried to warn you bastards. I told you I'm a piece of shit when it comes to keeping in touch. I'm trying, I'm sucking.. just know that I'm doing the best that I can.
As for me, this is my life in Portland. Note the beer bottles. Note the sitting alone and reading news on the BBC. Note the middle of the night. Insomnia still rules supreme.
The beer is good, the job sucks, the people suck more. I'm trying to enjoy it.. and it is getting better. But still not enough.. nothing is ever enough..
I'm trying to figure it all out. I think I'm getting closer. A dear friend and I just discovered that you grow up at the age of 28. This is news (and good news it is) to me. That means that I'll hopefully return to school (for reals this time), become a famous archaeologist, get paid to travel and take pictures. And dig up old shit. I'm hoping it also means that I figure out where I'm supposed to be.. geographically. So far, no luck. But I've still got two more months of being 28, right?

My Interests


conversation expression insanity inanity self-expression self-exploration music music music music love computers books literature and otherwise driving especially at night travel getting the fuck out of here exploring adventures art in every sense

I'd like to meet:

Your mom and many a hoster scenebag.


music is my greatest passion in life. i feel music, i don't listen to it. rarely do i connect lyrics to music.. they're separate entities to me, both beautiful and supremely important. that being said, i love all kinds of music. i find it amusing when people say they are music lovers when they don't love *all* music. call it arrogant, it's just my strange perspective.. thanks to my father. i listen to everything. and i love all of it. to say that i have a favorite kind of music would be lying. however i am definitely going through a shoegazer phase.. i have had rap, oldies, hip hop, classical, dnb, classic rock, techno, jazz, country, blues, pop, you name it I've had it phases. at the moment some of my favorites are red house painters, catherine wheel, radiohead, part the clouds, sonic youth, the postal service, slowdive, james, the cure, r.e.m., asylum and architecture, morrissey, yeah yeah yeahs and modest mouse as always. I only listen to talk radio and Harry Potter audiobooks now. I am teh lame.


i fucking love movies. that should be enough, but it's not, so here goes.

saturday night fever, a river runs through it, kill bill (not vol. 2), amelie, metropolis (the original, or rather, as close as you can get), freida, 28 days later, donnie darko, lotr trilogy, neverending story, seven, what dreams may come, shawshank redemption, the royal tenenbaums, the power of one.


television is the devil. strangely enough, i own the largest television out of anyone i know.

hey, it was a gift.

and you need *something* to hook your ps2 up to, don't you?


it's difficult for me to rate any goddamn thing in my life.. it all started when my mom told me I shouldn't rate my friends and it kinda leaked into all areas of my life. with that said, I'll just leave a list here of books I'm currently reading.
the plague by camus, crime and punishment by dostoevky, seven mysteries of life by murchie, the jungle by sinclair, freud and jung (double bio), the garden of eden by hemingway, the silmarillion by tolkien, the odyssey of homer translated by lattimore. and I just finished frankenstein by shelley, blade runner by dick, dharma bums by kerouac, hot water music by bukowski, towing jehovah and blameless in abaddon by morrow, chronicle of a death foretold by garcía-márquez, girl, interrupted by kaysen, of human suffering by maugham and the hobbit, fellowship, two towers and return of the king by tolkien. That was really old. Now: Harry Potter and I just finished the Alchemist. That was good..
yes, I read multiple books at one time. sometimes it takes me two years to finish a book. sometimes it takes me two days.