old and rare books; yoga; diplomatic history; raw foods; independent publishing; nutritional therapy; art; pacifism; politics; tea; dancing; cooking; gender studies; poetry; Gramsci; traveling; etymology; libraries; riding my bike; knitting soft, strong garments; the post-punk kitchen; vegan baked goods
dharma punks, raw foodists, angel-headed hipsters, yogis, bibliophiles, vegan bakers, inveterate shoplifters, adroit polyglots, tea aficionados, obsessive grammarians
Sonic Youth, the Velvet Underground, Morphine, Interpol, Talking Heads, Modest Mouse, Bach, Blondie, the Magnetic Fields, Miles Davis, Hendrix, Mark Farina, Portishead, Tricky, Hooverphonic, Blonde Redhead, Beastie Boys, Green Velvet, Prince, Luna, Arcade Fire, Bad Religion, Rage Against the Machine, Tchaikovsky, Nirvana, the Pixies, Wicked Crew, the Strokes, David Bowie, Tom Waits, Dylan, Leonard Cohen, the Doors, Mozart, Pink Floyd, Charley Parker, Gil Scott Heron, Derrick Carter, Beethoven, Billie Holiday
the Last Days of Disco, the Weather Underground, Little Children, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Nixon, Natural Born Killers, Rushmore, almost anything directed by David Lynch, Cradle Will Rock, Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet, Frida, too many Woody Allen movies to list, the Royal Tenenbaums, Slums of Beverly Hills, Waking Life, Dazed and Confused, Pi, Kill Bill I & II, True Romance, Goodfellas, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Drugstore Cowboy, Heathers, old Humphrey Bogart movies...
I sold my television.
The Dharma Bums; Lolita; East of Eden; The Grapes of Wrath; Oil!; A Tree Grows in Brooklyn; The Great Gatsby; Our Man in Havana; Junky; Ham on Rye; Women; Reservation Blues; Geek Love; Bastard Out of Carolina; Little Women; The Hotel New Hampshire; Bed, Stories by Tao Lin; Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas; Canto General; the Collected Poems of Allen Ginsberg; the Collected Poems of Sylvia Plath; Cocaine Politics; Profit Over People; The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte; Living My Life: the Autobiography of Emma Goldman; Gramsci's Prison Notebooks; Conscious Eating; Skinny Bitch; Eating for Beauty; the Yoga Sutras
Jason Lerner, Emma Goldman, Antonio Gramsci, Noam Chomsky, Arundhati Roy, Jon Stewart, Marilyn Young, Hunter S. Thompson, Allen Ginsberg, Gabriel Cousens, and Lisa Simpson