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Fear of the world inside " sessions "
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CARNE PARA CERDOS " Over the seas" video 2006
LOST acoustic rehearsal
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In 1989 he forms UNIDAD DE TRANSMISION, the first industrial band of Argentina, together with Carlos Shaw. In the course of time, they manage to develop a great number of fans and supporters to this style.
In 1992 they win the Centro Cultural Recoleta award for best new artist.
In 1993 they sign a contract with a record company, and record their first
EP of remixes called PRISION VIRTUAL. During the same year, UNIDAD DE TRANSMISION makes different shows, e.g. at the Auditorium MAXI 1 and 2 on 9 de Julio Av. where the tickets were sold out. This leads to two consecutive shows at the CASA SUIZA.
At the end of 1993, due to different musical preferences, they decide to split up and begin their solo careers.
Therefore, in 1994, Kritz forms CARNE PARA CERDOS, an industrial project that
includes a quota of conventional instruments (guitar bass and drums) to the programming. Alter a short time, presents his first EP named CPC and with this
new project catches the attention of the media and launches his first video clip in high turnover on MTV. He is also interviewed by MUCH MUSIC and by several newspapers, magazines and local radios, such as ROCK AND POP, EL
In 1998 presents his second record of CARNE PARA CERDOS named PAIN MANAGER, and not only makes the musical interlude of a radio show on ROCK AND POP (TIEMPOS VIOLENTOS), but also his first work as artistic producer for the disc SUDAMERICAN PORNO by JESUS MARTYR. This record is edited in Spain by the company REPULSE RECORDS. Thus, Kritz begins a great amount of productions for bands as NOISELAB, 448, VIRTUAL, etc.
In 1999 signs a contract with EDEL MUSIC and launches the reissue of PAIN MANAGER. In the meantime, he is hired by the record company TOWER RECORDS, working for them for three years.
In 2000, together with UNIDAD DE TRANSMISION, he makes a show with the Belgian band FRONT 242, in front of an audience of 2500 fans of electronic music.
At the end of 2001, together with Raúl Cariola, Osko Cariola (ex SANTOS INOCENTES) and César Andino (CABEZONES), creates the production company RESONADOR, with the aim of joining forces and knowledge of artistic productions. From that year onwards, MatÃas Kritz works in band productions such as CUNDEY MOLEN, SKINMASK, SUBLOW, INFIERNO 18, POOMPIWOM, CABEZONES (opening of Tiempos Violentos) among others.
In 2003, Kritz presents his fourth album, the first one in Spanish, called "Cruz de Noche". In this new project, under his own name, Kritz approaches a sound more electronic -in song format-, with an influence much more British rather than American, regarding the sound. Cruz de Noche counts on the presence of guests such as Raúl Cariola, Osko Cariola, Emilio Ihlenfeld (guitar player of SOMA), Martin Delahaye ex bass player of PANZA and now (202), Diego Cariola (bass player of 202), and Sara Ugarte ex vocalist and guitar player of VENUS, the Chilean band.
The album contains 11 songs that cover distortion, climate and acoustic moments.
In 2006, after many years working on productions only, Kritz takes up again his solo project in English, CARNE PARA CERDOS, and begins the recording of QUANTIZE LIFE" (3rd album by CPC and 6th of his career).
On the other hand, during 2006, Kritz composes "CAMINO POLAR", an EP of demos, and continuation of "CRUZ DE NOCHE", which has a free distribution on the internet.
Nowadays, Kritz is working on the live presentation of "QUANTIZE LIFE" for 2007.
He can also be seen playing live as guest keyboard player together with 202 (Ex Santos Inocentes) and devoted to his digital art works and photography.