I like dreaming and sleeping. Shop windows that have never changed for years and years, that are covered with dust and dirt from years of neglect and thoes doorways with peeling paint and roof tops with trees growing in the gutters.
..Listening to other peoples conversations and listening to people who need a listener... I hate modern day society and the pollution. I enjoy reading ficticious novels of strange worlds. Depressive singers. Watching the clouds float past. Walking through cities at night time or during a rain storm or experiencing vast streches of countryside. Sometimes just sitting under a tree and watching the sunlight filter through the branches and leaves makes me satisfied. I love to travel, but I am always grateful and satisfied that I have a home to arrive back to, a smell that I am accustomed to, a room that I grew up in, somewhere that never changes in my mind.
Romantics, dreamers, sleepers, weepers, thoes who are searching, thoes with faith and thoes without, thoes who believe.
Id like to meet someone and tell them how I feel about knitwear manufacture in Eastern countries. Regardless of how developed we are, we still go to the shop and buy a sweater as though it just grew on a fucking tree. Well, I greatly sympathise and say, sweaters are made by fucking hand, and more so crochet, someone slaved their asses to make your cheap TOPSHOP crochet sweater. Knitting is suicidal, its not the granny activity you like to think, when your sat infront of a knitting machine for hours, its exhausting, I feel sorry for those factory workers in asian countries....
Lamb, Portishead, Moloko, Le Tigre, Broadcast, Pram, PJ Harvey, Bjork, Garbage, Catatonia, Ladytron, Beth Gibbons
Kitchen, Amelie, The Shining, Misery, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Hand, Lady Vengance
Neverwhere, Dune, Kitchen
My Grandma