FuglyZombie profile picture


A well balanced person has a rat on each shoulder

About Me

I am a slave to one dog(Sara), 31 rats(Idgie, Bindi, Kenya, Leon, Tobe, Maynard, Dobie, Cholo, Will Robinson, Geoffrey, Reggie, Elias, Jodelle, Marnie, Dickens, Charlie Brown, Teddy, Lucas, Preston, Rusty-James, October, Marilyn, Crystal, Iolaus, Jedi, Kincaid, Jerry, Platinum, Slinks, Wonka Bar,Unnamed boy and Asia) 19 mice (Carlton, Claudette, Gumdrop, Tiger Lily, Dischord, Delilah, Sirius, Prozac, Black Jack, Stubs, Mistique and Fat Elvis,) 3 African Soft-Furred Rats (Niobi, Sarabi, and Afrika,) 2 Leopard Geckos (Princess Boa, and Deaux-Deaux,) 2 rabbits (Marlowe and Jasper,) 1 crested Gecko(Clive), 2 African Clawed Frogs(Alice and Flo,) and 1 male betta(Wilbur.) Keep in mind that that list does not include my fosters/rescues. I am a huge horror movie fan, and a huge critic. My animals and closest friends/family are the main things that keep me going everyday, and without them I would be completely lost. I guess I don't have to say much else here.

My Interests

Animals Magic tricks Old skool punk and rock cartoons Horror movies Zombies

I'd like to meet:

George Romero, Bob Denver(RIP), Matt McGrory(RIP), Bill Moseley, Joe Castro, Steve Palmer, Mike Ness, Brendan Fletcher, William Haynes, Kett Turton, Eddie Kendricks(RIP) and it woulda been great to have known Andy Kaufman before he died, Stever Irwin, and would LOVE to hang out with Penn and Teller.


punk, horror punk, classic rock, reggae ,"oldies", local bands from NC, noise, and lots of experimental stuff. KMFDM, Ween, Primus, Social Distortion, Stray Cats, Kenneth Hister, CCR, The Temptaions, Royale Crowns, Fishbone, Smokey Robinson, Bob Marely, Germs, The Supremes, Youth Brigade, Eddie Kendricks, Minor Threat, Scott Hendricks, and others...


Hellraiser series, Living Dead series, Troma films, Drama, Goodfellas, Moon 44, Terror Toons, Pumpkin, The Temptations, Man on the Moon, Universal Monster films, 976-EVIL, The Fly (original and remake),Legend of the Chupacabra, Pulp Fiction, Vincent Price,Penn and Teller Get Killed, Abbott and Costello, Rescue from Gilligan's Island, Last Days of Frankie the Fly, House of 1000 Corspes and The Devil's Rejects, Fright Night, Peter Jackon (NOT counting those shitty fantasy films.)Texas Chainsaw Massacre (not the remake, but many of the sequels), X-men, Willard (remake and original) and Ben, The Blues Brothers, Shock Treatment, Creepshow, Evil Dead, I've recently fallen in love with Freak Out. Anything Troma rocks.


Gilligan's Island, SNL between the 70s and early 90s, What's Happenin',Penn and Teller: BULLSHIT!, Carroll Burnett, I Love Lucy, King of the Hill, V, Taxi, Cheers, Fat Albert, Red Skelton, Mork and Mindy, etc.


Clive Barker, Poppy Z. Brite, H.P. Lovecraft, Poe, Lemony Snicket, Lewis Carrol, Scott Hendricks, William P. Haynes, Bob Denver, and SOME Stephen King. I also love medical books on neurology, biology, biochemistry and genetics, specifically for veterinary medicine. I also have quite a collection of horror comics, and a few Marvel.


Spiderman, Batman, X-Men, Clive Barker, George Romero, Tom Savini, Lucio Fulci, Dario Argento, Joe Castro, Steve Irwin, Penn and Teller, Hare Waltman, Mike Ness, Jeff Corwin and of course Milton from Office Space "I'll burn down the building."

My Blog

For Ken

The pale girl laid in bed, eyes closed, and whispy breaths barley escaped her.  She thought of what to say to him, if he came.  Their last meeting, though it had been a few years since they ...
Posted by FuglyZombie on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 09:45:00 PST

Beware who you adopt to via CraigsList

Those who follow my blog know that I had to sadly give up some of my leopard geckos due to helping out more rodents, which is more important to me than keeping the leos as pets.  Well, I thought ...
Posted by FuglyZombie on Mon, 28 Apr 2008 07:56:00 PST

Do they stay or do they go?

If they stay there will be trouble, if they go it will be double.These are the last of the mice that T gave me to keep/find homes for.  They're males, and males, in general, can't live together d...
Posted by FuglyZombie on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 11:50:00 PST

What happened with Buzz...

Most people who know me know how I felt about Buzz, so I won't go into it.  What I will say is that we were NOT together.  He made it quite clear to me (and I to him,) that we did not want a...
Posted by FuglyZombie on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 09:01:00 PST

A picture blog

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so I found a few that describe how I've been feeling lately.Horror Pictures at satanspace.com            &nbs...
Posted by FuglyZombie on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 08:06:00 PST

New Animals, New Person, New Situation *with pics)

First, the new animals:I finally got ASFRs!!Niobi on the left, Sarabi on the right:Afrika:NEW MEECERS!Delilah!Dischord!FOSTER MICE!New Person!Mr. Emo:The new situation:A move, loss of a close friend, ...
Posted by FuglyZombie on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 11:57:00 PST

Ball and Chain

After what happened last night, this is what I've been listening to this morning.  I think the words passed between my used-to-be best friend and myself really shows what kind of person he and I ...
Posted by FuglyZombie on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 07:17:00 PST

Overwhelmed, scared, and helpless. - Tons of updates pertaining to animals.

To start off this incredibly depressing blog entry, I’ll start with the vet visit.Elias is going in for surgery to have a ruptured tumor removed on the 8th.  Aladdin’s diagnosis wasn&...
Posted by FuglyZombie on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 04:42:00 PST

Jerry Met the Ladies!

For those of you following the "Jerry Chronicles," you’ll love this!  I had this picture in my head of Jerry attacking every rat he comes into contact with.  I had heard stories of him...
Posted by FuglyZombie on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 06:51:00 PST

More pics of Jerry the Rat

Posted by FuglyZombie on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 07:41:00 PST