Biografi Tom Nordahl
Tom Nordahl start his musical life at the age of 10, home in Zinkgruvan in Närke, Sweden. With his fathers guitar amplifier and just a microphone...
The year is 1987, and the swedish rockband "Europe" has got a monsterhit with "TFC", TN start round that era play guitar, but foremost its the singing that takes the upperhand...
1991, at the age of fifthteen TN forms the rockband "AFFECTION", where TN is the leadsinger and the primary songwriter. The band win a couple of local music competitions, the band makes a vinylsingle (Lights Out On The Playground)just 300 copies, rare these days...they make numerous gigs, and becomes "worldfamous" in Sydnärke.. The band exist between 1991 to 1996.
1995, is the year that the first plans of going solo takes place in TN..s mind, TN and the former keyboard player in "AFFECTION" decides to make a 2 track CD single, with a little heavier arrangment, and deeper thougts to the lyrics, the guys hire in a drummer and a lead guitarist to a project called "NEW FAITH".
The CD single..s openingtrack is the strong rockballad "Little By Little", the reaspons is good, but it was just a one time thing, according to the guys..
1996, is the year TN launch his solocarrier. The first thing is a local music competiton called "Nya Talangen" in Örebro (Martin Stenmarck, Kenneth & The Knutters, The Pinks - are just a few of all artist/musicians that competet in that competition), TN ends up with good second place in the finals that year. TN comes in contact with a small independent record label in Stockholm Sweden, called "DLR Records". The plan is to make a whole album, TN contribute on a tribute record to U2, with the song, that becomes the openingtrack of the record "Where The Streets Have No Name" (Tribute Records), and the years is 1998. Unfortently moneyproblems becomes an issue, and TN goes his on way by the end of 1998.
1999, is the year that everything seem to happen..and things happen fast! In August TN wins the music competition "Nya Talangen" in Orebro, with the song "Better Than It Is". And after the apperence in the popular Swedish program "Sikta Mot Stjärnorna" performing "Bed Of Roses" as the American Rock singer Jon Bon Jovi, TN introduces himself for the swedes in national TV, and in october 99, TN win the final with over 30,000 thousend votes ahead of nr 2 Ted Gärdestad (Johan Eriksson)!
2000, were the year that TN was asked to perform "Alla Änglar Sjunger" in the "Swedish Song Contest", it was impossible to say no to it. So in march 2000, TN sang in the competition, but it was Roger Pontare..s "När Vindarna Viskar Mitt Namn", that won.
The same year, TN finished his selftitled debutalbum, a pop/rock history, and the result of a teamwork between TN and the guitarist and songwriter Staffan Ernestam (plays in Sven-Ingvars & Jeremias Session Band), who also co produced the album together with Anders Eliasson (former member of Lambretta).
Of different reasons that only the record company Musikverkstan can answer, the realese of the album got very delayed, it took one more performence in the Swedish Song Contest, this time with a song written by Micke Wennborn & Py Bäckman, a great song named "Blue As Her Angel Eyes" in 2002, short after the perfomence the album were realesed..
Now, 6 years later, TN have started the long way back, with new songs, and a great hunger to met the audience again..
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