~ ♥ Dearne ♥ ~ profile picture

~ ♥ Dearne ♥ ~

" I am the owner of my karma, I am born of my karma, I am related to my karma, Whatever karma I crea

About Me

"I try to treat whoever I meet as an old friend. This gives me a genuine feeling of happiness. It is the practice of compassion. { May Peace Prevail On Earth. Peace Within, Peace Without. Peace Now, Peace For All Beings. }........................... ..... "Life is too precious to indulge in stress,be thankful for who you are and all that you possess material and spiritual whatever it may be do it with Universe grace." .. .. .. .. ..Hi, I’m Dearne…I grew up in Sydney Australia, I was around in the late 60’s and was a Flowerchild,some would say a Hippie wild child, Love, Peace, Flowers, all those wonderful thoughts. Then when I was 22 I went to live in Papua New Guinea on a Coffee Plantation, my husbands parents where some of the 1st Australians to go into the Highlands of PNG. I lived there for 14years. My 1st daughter was only 6 weeks old when we went, then I had my 2nd daughter and a son while living there. My true blessings….. I then came back to Queensland Australia in the early 80’s, and live on the Sunny Coast still. I believe what we give out is what we receive back in this life. I want WORLD PEACE for my grandchildren, and their children, and their children. And we are the only ones that can do that for them…..NOW I believe in our Universe, and the journey’s are there for us to follow, and learn. And the more we learn in this life the better the next will be for us. I believe in Compassion, Empathy, Happiness, Peace, Love & Light. I do not class myself as a religious person but a spiritual one. My goal is to reach out and help as many people as I can each day. Just a simple Hello, How are you, Please, and Thank you, are a start. ~ MORE CARE ~ LESS HATE I would one day like to take a slow cruise to Asia with my man. That would be romantic & fun. I am single now and would like to meet my soul mate, I am ready to start that new journey. "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.”WITH all that said, don't take me wrong from my profile, I also love life, and have a wicked sense of humour, and I have been told I can be a very raunchy lady.. :) I am always happy to make new friends, have a chat. COME AND SAY HI!......................................................... ..
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My Interests

I love to walk the beach.{ I know it's such a clique } Watch the sunset from my balcony with a good glass of wine..Party hard when I can, not to often these day's.lol I like to visit art galleries, markets, museums.Search for old artifacts. I am looking to start qi gong...gentle exercise, and great for the mind, body and soul. { Update: April 2008 } I started YOGA instead. I am also interested in Reiki. I spend a lot of time with my family. But I also love to be alone, and comptemplate my lifes journey. Life is good.I try and generate a peaceful harmony everday.My aim is to help at least one person from a 3rd world country have a better education and life. .. .. .. .. ..

I'd like to meet:

His Holiness the Dalai Lama - Al Gore - Lord Ashtar -God - Buddha. There are just to many.........Women with ATTITUDE: Bette Midler, Barbara Streisand,Stevei Nix, Blondie, Marilyn M,Angelina Jolie, Maddona. This list could go on and on.... Great friends around the world, friends with similar interests and sense of humour...So important to laugh... ..................... ............................................................ .........................  THIS IS MY FAVORITE PICTURE: SUCH INNOCENCE ...
View my page on The Ashtar Command
... ..." Moi "


I love all the 60's & 70's music..Jazz,Blues,Joe Cocker, Billie Thorpe,The Who,and Red Hot Chillies,Animals,Navarna,Pink Floyd,Stones,Jimi Hendrix,Beetles. Snow Patrol...... I love to slow dance with that special man, for no real reason, just when the mood takes us.On the beach,in the kitchen in our dreams .................................... .........................................................

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I love to watch MOST movies.I am a movie buff and critic.The Piano,Die Hards,City of Angels.Chocolat,English Patient, Titanic, Motorcycle Diaries. Hairspray { I will never look at John T the same again lol } Clockwork Orange, Reservoir Dogs,Pulp Fiction.Field Of Dreams, & Braveheart........... Also love a good romance. And a good mystery. All doco's....Lonely Planet etc. ..........................................

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Yes I do watch TV.... Love to cuddle up and watch TV when it rains with my man. CSI, House,Currant Affair,60 Minutes,BB,The Games, waiting to watch the Olympics. I'm sick of the crime shows at the moment..all the same...bodies on slabs, and sick people. We need more comedy...bring back Fraser, Seinfield, even Raymond would be better...................................................... ...... ................................................... ......................................................... ..


I love to read, Wilbur Smith, Armistead Maupin his { Tales of the City} are great.... Biographies....I read lots of different books & mags.National Geographic, Time. All the writings of H.H.the Dalai Lama... { Great guidelines for life, compassion & happiness.} Prophet,” by Kahlil Gibran, Conversation With God, The Alchemist, life changing....I'm interested & open to all the different aspects of religion, and compassionate living. I am not a religious person,but would call myself spirtitual....... We must have PEACE on this planet soon, think of our children, and their children, and their children. Do not be selfish......We can make this happen NOW.Peace .. PLEASE SAY A PRAYER FOR H.H. the DALAI LAMA .. .. PLEASE SAY A PRAYER FOR H.H. the DALAI LAMA .. ..


All the fire fighters, police and all rescue teams,around the world. The life savers on our beach, police. armed forces. And don't forget our nurses in our hospitals. H.H.the Dalai Lama. Buddha,God, Universe, and Mother Nature. My Mother................ .. ..



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My Blog

Solitude v's Loneliness

  Thanx Libby ~ I wanted to share this and have it where I can read it time to time ~ Namaste ~   Solitude vs LonelinessLoneliness is marked by a sense of isolation. Solitude, on the o...
Posted by ~ e Dearne e ~ on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 11:53:00 PST

The Waiting Is Over ~ Energy Alert

                         TIME TO JUMP IN...THE WAITING IS  OVER ~    ...
Posted by ~ e Dearne e ~ on Tue, 07 Oct 2008 11:46:00 PST

In Memoriam: Paul Newman (1925  2008)

Ok so I went a bit over board with the kids Poems....lol  Here is something real and close to my heart...The loss of a blessed man...Paul Newman Not many of the era left now, and he was such a h...
Posted by ~ e Dearne e ~ on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 06:18:00 PST

~ Which Flower are you ?~

Another sweet poem on Flowers........I'm the Iris love them ~   .. Black Eyed Susan Flower Poem Illustrated by Elizabeth Gordon Saucy little Black Eyed Susan, When her Mother caug...
Posted by ~ e Dearne e ~ on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:39:00 PST

My Favorite Childrens Poem ~

I love this Children's Poem, always a favorite of mine ~ so sweet ~ and it just came up again in another contexts on Dragons and Butterfly's.. Everything happens for a reason ~ I truly beli...
Posted by ~ e Dearne e ~ on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:29:00 PST

~ Karma ~

The word Karma is used a lot, so what does it mean, and is it to be believed? I know people who go through their lives walking and stomping over other people to get what they want, and someone always ...
Posted by ~ e Dearne e ~ on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 06:59:00 PST

My Protector ~ Kwan Yin ~

..TR> ne of the deities most frequently seen on altars in China's temples is Quan Yin (also spelled Kwan Yin, Kuanyin; in pinyin, Guanyin). In Sanskrit, her name is Padma-pâni, or "Born of the Lo...
Posted by ~ e Dearne e ~ on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 12:17:00 PST

I Believe: Do You ? Soul Group

I do believe...We will all make this journey...But only if we really want to.........I  do....Do You ?       Connecting With Your Soul Group Do you feel that there is a group of s...
Posted by ~ e Dearne e ~ on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 03:22:00 PST


always love to these beautiful angels:~*TrEaT EvErY PeRsOn and EvErY AnImAl WiTh ReSpEcT* ____________________________________ SOLAR LIGHT BODIESPhysical Transformation-The Time has Come!by Patricia ...
Posted by ~ e Dearne e ~ on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 03:37:00 PST

~ Celtic Awareness ~

I saw this and found it quite interesting...I like to look into all different aspects of life, religion, prayer, and worship & Philosophy. Namaste ~ Celti..c Aware..nessMea'..n Fo'..mhair..:...
Posted by ~ e Dearne e ~ on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 06:11:00 PST