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About Me

captain underpants is the name,41,married to Jo,we have 2 incredible boys,spiderman and power ranger.i am a guitar & backline tech who has worked for and with many fantastic people and a few cunts.anything from pop to pop rock to punk rock to hard rock to industrial rock and even Fiona Apple,you get the picture.Longest running employers and also mates are the Wildhearts & KMFDM.Newest annd also lovely blokes Johnny Panic,Son of Dork & the Godamnwhores led by the funniest man alive Randomn John Poole.Have recently toured with Ginger and more recently completed the Get Happy Tour,with Bowling for soup,Son of Dork,Wheatus and the excellent Army of freshmen.Recently returned from south america after good times with the NEW YORK DOLLSS.I have met thousands of great people whilst on the road,seen some incredible places and best of all made some friends for life,ive been drunk and wanked in every continent you could name,obviously not antartica although Russia was pretty fuckin cold...i consider myself to be very lucky for the life i have had so far...so whats next??...i dont know..what have ya got..!

My Interests

music,as long as its good..,good beer,strong vodka..meeting people who can take the piss and have the piss taken out of them without throwing a wobbler.DIY,polishing boots,the Simpsons,Family Guy,Brass Eye,Jaws,Jaws 2[the rest are shite]and finally..having a laugh and not taking life too seriously !! oh,nearly forgot,,,scroffula.

I'd like to meet:

a dinosaur or Homer Simpson and the cunt who invented wood chip wallpaper so i could slice his eyeballs with a rusty,blunt razorblade whilst the fucker who invented non drip gloss was forced to drink his own shitty invention....nuff said !


Punk Rock,the good stuff[Damned,Ruts,Pistols,999,etc] the later years[GBH,Discharge,Toy Dolls,Chaos UK,Subhumans]new stuff[Alkaline trio,Johnny Panic,Therapy?,Rancid etc] actually theres to many to mention.Obviously i love the bands i work with and i like a bit of metal,C&W,industrial,easy listening,the only thing i despise is dance music and super star DJs.to me ,that isnt a valid form of music,playing guitar,drums etc takes talent,playing records does not!!!!Kazzooos are good,arse trumpet is also a big fave.the Wildhearts,PIG,and their various offshoots,a lot of whom i have had the pleasure to work with .i could go on about bands but i wont...what about me ,what about my needs me me me me me me me me me me me me ,i also like condensed milk


Jaws 1 & 2,finding nemo,any Laurel & Hardy,the anal diaries of misty raine,the little mermaid,the guns of navarone,dirty dozen,magnificent 7,big daddy,great rock n roll swindle,Angus[about the chubby ginger haired kid]the godfather 1&2,anything with Rob DeNiro except for the new one that i havent seen yet.Grease,Bugsy Malone and finally anything with Misty Raine in.


Yes i have one,its massive,,thanks for asking...love the Simpsons,Family Guy,big cook,little cook,the office,pheonix nights,2 ronnies,classic comedy,bo selecta series 1&2,hate reality shows as it shows how desperate these talentless fucknuts are to get on TV.Any wildlife/nature programme especially if its about sharks or misty raine & sharks.


hardback,paperback,pamphlet,leaflet,tour itinery,those things on planes that tell you where the exits are,viz,any music based biographies auto or not,readers digest 'how to fix anything in your house without any profesional help,thus saving you thousands of pounds until you have to call some one out ,coz you fucked it up beyond repair'books,jazz mags.


Hal Roach,Bill Hicks,My Dad,Rusty Wingfield,John Peel,people i work with[you know who you are!!!]wheelchair mark[top geeze],clint eastwood before he went crap,harvey kietel,gripper stebson and anyone who's been in a misty raine film,joe strummer,malcolm owen,rice club.

My Blog

GHT part2

Bristol..first day nerves, meeting new and old friends, half decent local crew, great show, penny & mick, vodka, being promoted to master of all i survey, another drunken night on the bus, spending ti...
Posted by duncan on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 05:34:00 PST


whoops,nearly forgot,for those of you who didnt know..24th MARCH.SICTOUR .SHEPHEARDS PIE.LONDON.I will be on stage with ryan at approx 9ish,james and them lot will be on a bit after that,oh,and there...
Posted by duncan on Sat, 10 Mar 2007 05:42:00 PST


Went to john henrys for rehearsls not knowing what to expect.Previous to this i recieved a call asking me to tech for Son of Dork,i had only ever met my little welsh chum Dai on a drunken night out wh...
Posted by duncan on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 06:55:00 PST

life since christmas

Once santa had fucked off with all my money again for another year,it was time to start earning again.Just before xmas i did The Wildhearts Xmess extravaganza at Wolves civic.And as you would expect i...
Posted by duncan on Sun, 04 Mar 2007 06:46:00 PST

ginger tour march 06

just got home after a fantastic tour with GINGER & THE SONIC CIRCUS.if you havent heard this mans stuff you should check it out.it was one of the most rewarding tours ive done.big thanx to everyone in...
Posted by duncan on Sat, 01 Apr 2006 01:45:00 PST