cream soda Dum Dums and getting wise.
someone who doesn't wanna meet me. i challenge you to find this person, and show me their sorry face.also, people who know the following:their =/= they're;your =/= you're;to =/= too.could this be you? i hope so. let's be friends.
zombies, mobsters, football, porn, comedy, existential docudramas.
college basketball and some shows they shouldn't have cancelled.
CURRENTLY: voluntarily - 1) Moral Minds, 2) The Power of Place. started-forever-ago-but-at-this-rate-will-never-finish - 1) Omerta, 2) Women, Fire and Dangerous Things. OLD FAVES: 1) The Outsiders, 2) A Man Jumps Out of an Airplane, 3) don't think of an elephant!, 4) Invisible Cities. CAN'T WAIT TO FIND TIME FOR: 1) Haunted Traveler...
My Grandpa. My aunt Chris. Graham McBride. Tina Fey. Emily Rose. Paul Cuba. Mary Magdalene. Stuart Low. Both my grandmas. My dad, who saves lives AND steals benches. Justin Thompson. Brenda Mallinckrodt. Amy Simon.