Music, travel, black tar heroine, movies, getting together with friends, and deep fried ho ho's.
SLAYER!, Beatles, Nirvana, Dylan, Radiohead, Lemonheads, Ramones, Silver Jews, Magnetic Fields, Elliott Smith, PJ Harvey, Megadeth, Metallica, Nick Drake, Pearl Jam, AIC, Soundgarden, Misfits, Hairy Spaceman and anything else that rocks. Dane Cook's car alarm song is the best and Brian Regan cracks me up.
Office Space, Say Anything, Singles, Kicking and Screaming (not the Will Ferell one) Music documentaries, Napolean Dynamite, anything with Will Ferell, John Candy, Chris Farley, and Kentucky Fried Movie.
SVU, Family Guy, Freaks and Geeks, Three's Company Documentaries, WTTW (mostly food shows and history shows), and Dr. Katz.BAD IDEA JEANS
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Cliff Poncier. The number Zero.Slav