jan profile picture



About Me

Spamjan is a webzine dedicated to abstract
music including but not limited to noise/
ambient/experimental/avant garde/drone/industrial/power electronics/
neo-folk and classical just to name a few.
We feature regular reviews, audio interviews, and articles.
Spamjan aim is to open discussions and provide in depth
information on abstract music. basically reviews, reviews and more reviews in various underground
genresalternatives in electronic music
'Das Magazin f?r den extremen und extravaganten H?rgenuss'
electronic music and non-music infosource
webzine about art and musique
Spamjan ;Das Online Magazin Spamjan ;r Noise, Industrial Avantgarde
und Kultur.Spamjan ; No sections are available in German.
Also known for a free online picture.
e-zine with many reviews. not updated recently
.......Dont hang on to the truth wen entering to absurdistan........ Harsh noise is a genre of noise music that is created almost
entirely by electronic feedback and distortion,
occasionally with crashing metal sounds or samples,
and a minimized "song" structure. Sometimes referred to
simply as "noise," the term harsh noise came into
use to differentiate its style from more "musical"
noise genres such as noise rock, powernoise,
and noisecore, which use instrumentation and song
structure. It is closely related to power
electronics however, its focus is more on
texture and less about composition. Harsh noise is a genre of noise music that is created almost
entirely by electronic feedback and distortion,
occasionally with crashing metal sounds or samples,
and a minimized "song" structure. Sometimes referred to
simply as "noise," the term harsh noise came into
use to differentiate its style from more "musical"
noise genres such as noise rock, powernoise,
and noisecore, which use instrumentation and song
structure. It is closely related to power
electronics however, its focus is more on
texture and less about composition.
R.R. is a improv-noise band from the netherlands.
Members: Ruben de Haan (Ruby) and Ruben Snellaars (Doki Doki) They made one net-release named: 04-07-07. Released on
Takkeherrie Recordings
Paintings by Bruce Horman and Ruben de Haan.
Kawabata Makoto - Raped By The Resurrection.
Live in Le Havre
When I saw the picture I Give My Life to Jesus
I got the...chills.
Every single person should have this one.
Sweeps, swooshes, guitarhits, drones, stingers, noise, & more.
Sweet on atmosphere, dense in melodies and mesmerizing sound.
On the end of the cdr more strong.
Obscure and unfamiliar noise and experimental phase
Thus a lot of time and energy was invested in securing
a high sound volume for this CD release. Expect a
provoking combination of early drone and atmospheric
pieces with sonic assaults of sweet guitarnoise
Indulging in atonal noise swirling amid
a dense cloud of ominous fog.
almost ridiculous great experimental music.
a scorching drone blast on the end that’s bound to burn the hairs on your arms.
What the performer created is called (at least by some people) noise.
Noise is music, but it challenges traditional notions of what that means.
a new musical vocabulary is being discovered.
The sound is modified to produce unique experimental waves.
in the old forms of the Renaissance or of any other past culture.
Each age find its own technique.
With this album Zebramu proofs to hold the future.
Are you looking for noise instructions? You've come to the right place!
Here you'll find out how to make many kinds of neat and ingenious sounds.
From elegant and sweet pieces such as the sound of rain,
to the sound of functional kids' toys.
Our instructions are clear and simple.
Many of us have experienced the childhood pleasure of making a simple noise item,
most commonly a litle song.
You can relieve stress and recapture some of that bliss with a few quick steps!
Noise Base tricks.
The Noise Base tricks are often the foundation or starting point of noise projects.
These basic tricks will be referred to now and then since many of the noise projects begin with one of these basic things.
Noise Bird soundThe Noise Bird sound can be used as a starting point for different types of bird sounds,
such as the crane and the flapping bird.Start with a squarewave sound (below left).Fold the top inwards, then unfold.
This is to create crease marks.
fold top corner creased and delay.
Now begin the radiodestructionproces.
Lift the radio upwards, and eat along the crease lines as shown.
Your bird sound is now half-done.Flip the piece over, then stamp in the three corners on the backside, to make marks.
Now lift the bottom corner and do another move.
Now your bird sound is complete!
May the Lord take you higher and higher in your music ministery
Ub Radio Salon/ Big City Orchestra.
drones, noise, spoken words.
I feel like singing along to this radio stream!
"Make a joyful noise." Yes, often it is just noise.
Listen to this at www.dfm.nu every thursday 01:00 CET
And wen he came out and took a look at the eurth,
he made asked his brothers:
Where do we hang the matras?
No answer came.
Well we can drink the widelk while we stand here and wait.
But mouse. How do we drink while there is no place to hang the matras?
As all of us know there is no way you can ekspect the mouse to be wrong.
So the matras is useles wen its placet on the ground.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Rypher Porno Machine
Released as free download on Takkeherrie Recordings

A musthave for the real cacophonophilist!
Rypher focuses on the times when the sounds of sex are
contemplated and enjoyed aesthetically. Using an account of this
noise experience.
The experience ends, however, with a Derridian delight in
the free-play of the symbolic process itself.
the next time Rypher decides to grace all of Drew with
sex noises, you should just go up to the room,
pound on the door and tell them to keep it down.
Or cacomorph the sexually provocative sounds on television
and dont pull the plug on a show reconstructing infamous crimes.
The tone is strong, but sports several energetic passages and peaks.
after a few opening bars, it explodes into wild,
chaotic textures and then melts into a stream of fast-moving, aphoristic motives.


We all fall aSLEEP when we die and remember
those times we saw PAIN AS SACRIFICE. We forget
all the meaningless experiences and learn that som
etimes you needed to LIE TO GET THRU IN THIS SHIT W
ORLD, but alas the world was fed lies and digested it
in their utter stupidity. Nazis working from behind the
scenes would kill you if you said LETS GO KILL SOME NAZIS
MAN to a good friend in a hope for freedom. The eternal
sleep loomed in on you many many times as you wondered
why you were SO SLEEPY AT 7:30 AM. Following the hope
for peace you escaped to a GOAT FOREST, but all this
travel to ancient lands sent you near to madness as
you were KISSING AEROPLANES so much. Oh for the joy
and carelessness of BIRTHDAY BOYS NIGHT OUT which
you never felt... Its all SO FUCKED UP, but you
will get through in one way or another.

Janspam about Metek.
pleasant experiment in sound.
This is something really odd. I really have no idea how he came up with it.
Either way, it's sorta cool sounding.
I mean... I think it deserves a form of applause where
members of a seated audience stand up while applauding.
the atmospheric and kind of meditating soundscapes in a
floating atmosphere of rough and cold intense.
tell me that he did a good job equalizing this,
but I'm not too sure. Basically, it's a straighforward
sort of euphoric chillout thingy with lots of little
interwoven melodies and happy chords.
I'll try to get back to reviewing more silly stuff and
some somber things in between, but I gotta do little happy
songs once in a while just to keep myself up...
Thanx Metek for the great sounds!


Zebra Mu


Ruben de Haan

Doki Doki



Takkeherrie Recordings


Noise Wiki

Completely Gone Recordings

Bruce (Object Space)



B.B Sleeping Weeper

Cant sleep! Cant sleep!! Cant sleeeeeeeeep!!!!!! (***)