The Father's presence; loving Bethany; quality family time; transparent community; lasting friendships; stories and testimonies; counseling; social networking; theology; apologetics; politics; missions and travel: Israel and the Middle East, the Celtic Nations, South America, the Caribbean, and the Mediterranean; southern culture; Civil War reenacting; local history; genealogy; guided tours; antebellum architecture; the Arts; singing; dancing; drum circles; reading; writing; poetry; show-hopping; plays; films; drawing-n-sketching; cartography; scale modeling; woodworking; legos; exploring; backpacking; biking; creek stomping; canoeing; skiing; climbing; spelunking; campfires; strolling downtown; festivals; theme parks; trivia; cooking; sweet tea; craft beer; ranting and raving; giving my opinions; meeting new people; physical intimacy (did I just go there?); living; loving; laughing; and of course.. long walks on the beach!
"We have MUCH goodness in this country, and we SHOULD promote it; but never through the barrel of a gun. Instead, we should ensure the spread of democracy by setting good standards, motivating people, and having them desire to emulate us. America cannot continue to spread its 'goodness' around the world with armed force. It will not last. I'm convinced we can achieve MUCH more in peace than we can ever achieve through needless, unconstitutional, and undeclared wars!" - Ron Paul
I'd also like to meet anyone who's interested in joining the ranks of our local independent Civil War reenacting mess. Give one of us a shout!:
(My Musician Friends): Carter Harris (Silent Chase), Autumn McEntire, Seth Wood, Garrett Miller, Chris McClarney and the G.C. Worship Team, Evan Bass, Aaron Bass, David Condos, Paramore, Mike McCreight, Morning Will Break, Brendon Shirley, Bobby Exodus, Spoken Nerd, Omar Alkalouti, Cirvant & SOHA, Jeff Pair, Dennis Gowder, Liz Thurman, Jamie Vance, Colin Benward, Devon Peters, Nick Close (Calerpitar), Jared Raines, Knapsack Heros, Justin Robison, Brian Robison, Bad Island Easter, Aaron Shepherd and the Ptersaurs, Della Rosa, Jamie Harvill, Happy Foot, PlaidGrass, Beggar's Fortune, Wess Floyd and the Daisycutters, Fred Shafer, Carter's Chord, Austin's Bridge, Joel Hudson, Jimmi Williams, Mike's Chair, Orion, John LaBonte, Nate Staires (Grand Archer), Adam Smith, Cecil Adora, Joel and Luke, Katie Walker, B.C., Josh Hitson, Jason Raines, Jon Mason, Evan Reese, John Davis, Jason Moore, Pat and the Fabulous Has Beens, Adam Rogers, Don Hejny, Josh Johnson, Nate Cougil, Jared Raines, Keith Morris, Laura Haddad, Lila James, Nate Farro, Hunter Lamb, Michael Pridmore, Christa Black, Clint Milburn, Scott Hall, Derek Blank (shirock), David Emerson, Ryan Smith, Chris Spear, Ben John McCall, Markus and Allison Hendrickson, Rebecca Sorensen, Lindsey Winger, David Stokes, Mark Woodward, Michael Tyler, Jonathan Peck, Rev. E.L."The Lett" Garnette, Aaron Ronin,...(Yes, everyone, except me, is a musician!)
I enjoy quality films about religion and spirituality, smart comedies, political films, historical films, original action films, intelligent thrillers, sci-fi films, a variety of cult classics, and an artsy-fartsy film or two.
Whatever my wife's watching...Honestly.
The Scriptures, The Revolution: A Manifesto, The Irresistable Revolution, The Review Appeal, USA Today, The Nashville Scene, Sam Davis: Self Sacrifice (To Live & Die in Dixie), Shrouds of Glory, Company Aytch, Two Nations Under God, For Cause & Country, Blue Lightning, Constructing Townscapes, The Hardcracker Handbook, Civil War Letters Of Williamson County.. are a few of my faves these days.
Yeshua; Bethany; My spirit-man; Zulieme Sedberry; Bryce and Suzanne Cox; Jon and Beth Krehbiel; My family at Grace Center who constantly encourage me; The Ron Paul rEVOLution; The Remnant of Israel; The African Church; The Asian Church; The South American Church; The 'Emerging' church of America; My dear friends in full or part-time ministry; Anyone who's lost the 'fear of man'; Those who occupy the 'high places' appointed by God to influence our culture; The armed forces called to fight for just or unjust wars for both my freedom and others; The forefathers of this great nation who fought to set the standard of constitutional, conservative principles and Judeo-Christian values; The peacemakers of this world who pray for peace and desire to see it manifested - if only for awhile; The apostles, the saints, the church fathers, and the martyrs; and all the suffering, hungry, persecuted, and overlooked brothers and sisters who submit their lives for the Gospel cause.