I became male talent in April 2005. My first scene was with Cheyanne Jacobs for www.hornycat.com, it was great. Been doing it ever since. I'm repped by World Modeling, Absolute Modeling and Black Widow. My first movie Bangin' White Ho's #1 came out April 2006. I've done mainly internet stuff. The movies I'm in that are out are: Meatholes III, Bangin' White Ho's #1, Bangin White Ho's #3, Thunder & Whitening, Chocolate Fudge Cream Pie, Baker's Dozen #7, Black on White Street, 10 Man Cum Slam #17, Frosted Faces #2, Baker's Dozen #8, iPervert, The Gauntlet 2, 10 Man Cum Slam #18, Facial Frenzy #2, Baker's Dozen #9, White on Black Street, www.blacksonblondes.com, www.shootonmyface.com, www.anniebody.com, www.hornycat.com, www.pimp4aday.com, www.christinanoir.com, www.whitemeatonblackstreet.com, www.rayveness.com, www.cockbrutality.com
I edited my profile with Thomas?€™ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
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