John Hegarty profile picture

John Hegarty

Don't Hassel the Hoff

About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
name?: John
middle name?: Francis :P
school?: SJC
age?: 18
grade?: A
birthdate?: 7/10/1988
hometown?: Thornton Heath/ Kennington
state?: London
hair color?: Like the worst mix of brown n blone u could think of
dyed?: nope
height?: 6foot 1, maybe two
body type?: large bruv
best physical feature?: i defy anyone to have a sexier little toe than me
eye color?: blue
..Have You Ever..
dont drugs?: dont drugs :S
gotten drunk?: ...never......
danced in the rain?: yes
sat on your rooftop?: no, i live in the heath - i'd get shot
made the first move?: yesh
gone out with your friends crush?: nope, happened to me though :(
been in love?: nah
fought over something stupid?: yes lots
if so, what?: football probably
refuse to admit you were wrong?: I'm never wrong
lied to your best friend?: probably
cheated on someone?: nope
sang for no reason?: yeah, Kulaks gig last week
loved someone so much you cried?: no
color?: Green
food?: Potatoes
room?: gonna have to say bedroom
song?: libertines - death on the stairs, maybe Paolo nutini - last request
book?: Dave Gorman's Googlewhack!
soda?: aplle tango/bigga grape
hair style?: style?
season?: winter
scent?: Hugo
brand name?: Dunlop/ Cedarwood state (primark!!!)
website?: myspace i guess
font?: Century Gothic
type of music?: indie/some pop
parent?: bit harsh?
..The Last..
person you talked to on the phone?: Tom
person to call you?: Sister
person to tell you they loved you?: Your mum
food you ate?: Rombouts Cafe Biscuit
thing you drank?: that would be orange lucozade
song you listened to?: Mando Diao - God knows
movie you watched?: Casino Royale
person you hugged?: Dangerous Dave
thing you thought?: who the last person i hugged was!
weird thing you did?: i do many weird things
thing you bought?: orange lucozade or my mum an mp3 player for Christmas - sssh its a secret....
time you went to the mall?: actually quite a while ago - unless Homebase counts as a mall
time you slept over someone's house?: Nicks on monday after DPT
thing you said?: bye
..This or That..
coke or pepsi?: tango
summer or winter?: autumn
up or down?: left
dark or light colors?: grey
day or night?: sunrise
jeans or sweats?: corduroy (jokes)
pink or blue?: Orange
soda or water?: juice
casual or fancy?: smart-casual
braclet or necklace?: Piercing
rain or shine?: Snow
half full or half empty?: Half of what started out
cold or hot?: luke-warm
cute or hot?: buff
Orientation?: Straight
single?: *nods*
ever been in love?: nah
believe in love at first sight?: nah
ever been kissed? (including pecks): mmhmmmm
hugged someone?: Dave today - top bloke!
held hands?: yeah with your mum?
had more then 4 bf/gf's?: all of your mums come up to that?
when did you have your first bf/gf?: ages ago
who was your first love?: n/a
do you believe in love?: I beleiev in a thing called love, just listen to the rhytym of my heart
who are you thinking about as you are filling this out?: your mother
would you rather taller or shorter?: shorter. dont know any girls whoe are taller
blonde or brunette?: brunette or black hair
..Last Part..
who do you want to see this?: your mum so she can beat me up
cell phone or laptop?: MOBILE
do you own either?: yeah
did you enjoy this survey?: it wasnt that pleasing
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All I watch lately is Neighbours and DEAL OR NO DEAL!!! .. ..
