Blue Eyed Demon profile picture

Blue Eyed Demon

Dey nuh reddy!!!

About Me

I'm your average guy, brown hair, blue eyes. I can be very outgoing at times ('specially nights out :P) but also spend lots of time jammin by myself or with friends. I'm a dancer, i prefer ragga but also do street/urban/hip hop and salsa. I'm always listening to music and I think I'd die without it, give me tunes with the right bass and beat and i'm off :D Weirdly i'm told I look like a vampire... :P I am also a practicing christian and proud of it, sum seh mi rasta but mi nah, jus yet.Bless
Watch this space because soon all you anime freaks will be lapping up the new manga me and a couple of mates have in the works! Its gonna 0wn!!!!Also check out my info on hi5 @ .. Home | Browse | Search | Invite | Film | Mail | Blog | Favorites | Forum | Groups | Events | Videos | Music | Comedy | Classifieds
Name Matthew Bellamy
Birthdate 19/09/88
Birthplace St Thomas' hospital
Current Location Streatham
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Light Brown
Height 5' 11"
Weight 10.5st
Piercings None
Tattoos None yet.. give suggestions :)
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Been single for a while now, need a girl to help me out aiight
Overused Phraze Siiick!
Food I'll try anything
Colour Hmm red or blue..
Animal Women ;)
Drink Rubicon pomegranate
Alcohol Drink Bacardiiiii!!!!!
Body Part on Opposite sex Ass and Legs
Pepsi or Coke Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing BurgerKing
Strawberry or Watermelon Watermelon
Kiss or Hug Hugs all the way :)
Scary Movies or Funny Movies Erm a bit of both
Love or Money Love
Bedtime Haha i've never had a curfew
Most Missed Memory Primary school init
Best phyiscal feature My eyes I guess
First Thought Waking Up Thank god i'm still alive to wake up
Goal for this year Party my ass off
Best Friends Dwayne, Juan, Vignon, Hugh, the list is endless
Weakness Buff black, mixed race and latino gals
Fears Sharks + piranhas
Longest relationship 6months
Ever Drank What a stupid question, ofc I have
Ever Smoked Well not tobacco
Ever been Drunk Nah I like to remember my nights out
Ever Skinny Dipped Nope
Ever Kissed Opposite sex Ofcourse...what type of question is that?
Been Dumped Lately Nope
Favorite Eye Color Hazel, Blue, Green theyre all good
Favorite Hair Color Brunette
Short or Long Long
Height Few inches shorter than me
Looks or Personality Personality
What country do you want to Visit Brazil for the second time ;)
How do you want to Die Peacefully..
Get along with your Parents Yes luv em
Health Freak A little
Do you think your Attractive Decent at most
Believe in Yourself To an extent
Want to go to Uni HELL YEEA!
Shower Daily Yup
Been in Love Nope, need help with that one ladies ;P
Do you Sing Yes, just badly, hehe
Want to get Married Yes
Do you want Children Yes I need an heir to my throne :D
Have your future kids names planned out The boy will probably be called Caeleb. And i'll let the wifey choose the girl's name, cos im nice :P
Age you wanna lose your Virginity ...too late
Hate anyone No, I always try to see the good in people

My Interests

Girls, Martial Arts, Street/Ragga/Salsa dance, Videogaming...

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who's a nice person :)Oh and Jesus.


Many different types: reggae, bashment, jungle, SOCA!, heavy electronica, drum 'n bass, breakbeat, latin, reggaeton, hiphop/rap, house, a bit of industrial, and a dash of indie/alternative.Some of my favourite artists/bands: The Prodigy, Damian Marley, DMX, Nas, Daddy Yankee, Don Omar, Arctic Monkeys, Busy Signal, Rammstein, Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Chemical Brothers, Pitbull, I Wayne, Vybez Cartel, The Crystal Method, Pendulum, Bloc Party, YT etc..Voodoo People (remix) - The Prodigy

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City of God, Hotel Rwanda, Lord Of The Rings, Gladiator, Serenity, Battle Royale, The Last Samurai, Tsotsi, Blade, FFVII, Cool Runnings...BORAT!!!! + so many more


Lost, Prison Break, City Of Men, Band Of Brothers, Naruto, Bleach (+ other random anime).


I like Sci-fi/Fantasy, David Gemmell is a fav.
You scored as Trendy. Your A Trendy



Rocker, Mosher




Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev







What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy Ect
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What Ninja Class Are You?
Hosted by Anime . Done right.
Your Eyes Should Be Blue
Your eyes reflect: Innocence and sweetness

What's hidden behind your eyes: A calculating mind What Color Should Your Eyes Be?


Any who have given their lives striving for peace in the world.