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Whats good everyone, you've reached Industry's Finest Inc.'s OFFICIAL PAGE. IF Inc. is ya Hottest, Bay Area Based, all girl promotion group, here to bring you the most cracken parties in all parts of the bay! If you need any other info including VIP birthday packages, guestlist, tickets, or just more info about our parties, email us. Thanks for comin' through and make sure you sign up for our upcoming events down below. ENjoy.
For all Guestlist Sign ups go to www.Industrysfinestinc.com !
|CEO Ms.Sheila|Steezy|Danielle|Catlin|Tiffany|Chanelle|
Summer Bash August 14, 2008
Glas Kat 10:00PM - 2AM | 18+ EVENT
Click Flyer to Sign up for Guestlist
Funky Fresh August 21, 2008
Whisper Ultra Lounge 10:00PM - 2AM | 18+ EVENT
Click Flyer to Sign up for Guestlist
Dont forget to.....
ADD US!!!!!!!! ;)