Most artists know that building a successful career out of their art takes time, dedication, and support. Support is something that our familes are sometimes not willing to give readily. In linking up with WagFest, you have a community that will back you and as we grow so do YOU!
In March 2008, WagFest Seattle consisted of a bustling poetry party, book bazaar, Passion Party, and a night out on the town. Special guests, BET Comedian D Lamont Hall and CJ Johnson of Hiram Clarke Films were in attendance, and CJ taught a class at the conference on how to turn your book into a film. CJ has an impressive resume and has worked with some of the best in the film industry. He provided a plethora of valuable information on the movie industry along with offering his services to convert your book into a film or play.
Our HOME city is Seattle, and so every year in March our main event will take place in Seattle. However, WagFest does extend invitations to other cities to HOST WagFest, so if your city is interested contact us here on myspace and we will see what we can do to accommodate you.
The event in Seattle for 2009 will be March 13-15th, so go ahead and start making plans to attend this lively event. Trust us when we say - YOU WILL NOT WALK AWAY THE SAME!
So what are you waiting on? Go ahead and register for WagFest 2009 today.
READERS, FRIENDS, FANS, PEOPLE WHO LOVE A GOOD TIME: You do not have to be an author to participate in WagFest! The whole vibe of WagFest is having a good time. We believe in hard work and we believe in hard play, so if you want to experience a beautiful weekend in the beautiful Seattle, WA and relax, relate, release and then party with some really down to earth people. Join us!
No registration fee is required if you do not plan to vend during WagFest. However, reserving your hotel room ASAP is recommended if you plan to attend.
Love's YTB Travel - Official Wagfest Sponsor~ Book your airline reservations here: