Altruism, masks, streaking, sleep-depravation, non thinking, writing, reading, painting, music, control, dance parties, juice, mixin' drinx, the paranormal, painted skin, pierced flesh, mental alteration, caffeine, vodka, skulls, skeletons, basket weaving, crazy bread, industrial music, synthesizers, sound editting/mastering, primal humanity, evolution, ancient china, internet, medicine, nature, swimming, doing shyt, zombies; they're coming to get us, zombie movies, horror movies, comedy movies, moshing, rocks, sticks, surrealism, realism, marijuana, audiophilia, stage diving into your face!
Well I don't know what I was thinkin' but I was so, so mistaken'.
Billy Idol - Shock To The System
..God Module "Orange and Black"
Ayria - My Device
Combicgrist - "Get Your Body Beat" Music Video
Stranger Than Fiction, Wild At Heart, Dawn of the Dead, the Tommyknockers, Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1-3, Halloween 1-6, amateur horror films, Evil Dead Trilogy, Swampthing, Legend, Critters, Big Lebowski, LOTR, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, The Crow, Fight Club, Napoleon Dynamite, Grandma's Boy, Road Trip, Freddy got Fingered, Super troopers, Monty Python, 24 hour party people, Snatch, Last Days, Butterfly Effect, King Kong, Night at the Roxbury, Office Space, Pulp Fiction, Pi, Letter to Iwo Jima, Last Samurai, occult horror movies, Old Kung-Fu movies and Japanese samurai films, Nightmare before Christmas, American History X, Swing Kids, Zoolander, Elf, Big Daddy, Billy Madison, Breakfast Club, Ferris Beullers Day Off, Anchorman, Clockwork Orange, Top Secret, Labirynth, Porn w/ me casting.
South Park, Simpsons, Standup Comedy, Dexter, Twin Peaks, A Haunting, Scrubs, Sopranos, Seinfeld, and Charlie Brown?
Civilization and its Discontents, Kindred, Of mice and men, Greek tragedies, 1984, Nietszche, Vonnegut, Tolkien, Lovecraft, Wikipedia
I don't idolize or idealize much. Multi-talented, hardworking people with ecclectic tastes; David Lynch, Clint Eastwood. Punks, Bartenders, Weird Al, Mr. T. my many fans...