Playing guitar, recording arts, and getting shit faced hammered !
Down to Earth metal heads. And maybe a few gothy girls.. ;)
Im the Wiskey sour king
Heavy metal, Death metal, hard rock, punk, Rituals In Pain, and our band Chronological Decay
Horror flicks
The only real tv show i like right now is basically a remake of one of my childhood favorites (only darker which makes it cooler than the orriginal) and that is the new version of battlestar galactica the dark and fast paced war scenes are so cool(however i do like morbid animations like celeberity death match,joe cartoon, and happy tree friends)
Kerry King, Tony Iomi, Dave Mustaine, Scott Ian, dan spitz, Dimebag darrel (R.I.P. everyone who loved what you did misses You),lemmy kilmeister, and john christ