music, 420, my dog Roach (where ever he may be, lost in the system), drums, MUTILATING EMO FAGGOTS then feeding their parts into a wood chipper, vodka, guitars, bongs and pipes, death growls, energy drinks, death in general, machetes, serial killers, masks, medievil weaponry, sadness, old abandoned buildings, murder, wooded areas, the shadows, suicide, pain, sorrow, fear, the concept of transition through death..
Metalheads, drug addicts, drug dealers, the idiots who wrote the bible, before they got a chance to trick a large percentage of the world, don't you see? GOD IS A LIE, locals (assuming there's people here who AREN'T inbred), musicians worth a shit, and last (but certainly far from least) my dad. May he Rest in Peace
Dying Fetus, Cannibal Corpse, Cattle Decapitation, Skinless, Deicide, Type O Negetive, Pantera, The berzerker, Napalm Death, Dark Funeral, Pink Floyd, Carpathian Forest, Decapitated, The Black Dahlia Murder, Slayer, Gorerotted, The Doors, Slipknot, old Tool, Mortician
The Thing, The Crow, The Shining, Critters, House, SAW, American History X, Tales from the Darkside, Wolf Creek, Creepshow, Half Baked, Escape from New York, The Goonies, The Last Unicorn, Interview with a Vampire, Congo, House on Haunted Hill, Poltergeist, The Lost Boys, Beetlejuice, American Beauty, Edward Scissorhands, Night of the Living Dead, Army of Darkness, so on and so forth
Usually I watch stuff like Forensic files, Family Guy, The Simpsons, or whatever is on in the short time I take to out of my day to watch the boob tube. It's all the same garbage recycled anyways
I haven't read a book in ages, but i will always have an affection for those 'Scary Stories to tell in the dark' books