Couch DJ's profile picture

Couch DJ's

Put your hand on your heart and feel the beat....

About Me

"True, we love life, not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving. There is always some madness in love, but there is also always some reason in madness"
Deeper Grooves
Back in
Down with
the Deep
Fox Trot
This Thing
of Ours
Click on the following links to hear mixes from one of the couchdjs:
Eric Rosen
Matt V
Chief RockaTanaka
~This Thing of Ours~
Recorded Live by Couch DJ's:
Eric Rosen and Chief Rocka Tanaka
DJ Russ

Deeper Grooves
Back in
Down with
the Deep
Fox Trot
This Thing
of Ours

My Interests

"Doubles Rubbin Funk For The Whole Family"

I'd like to meet:

Laidback folks that get it...........
Music is Everything....................................
No but seriously.......
Can we be serious for a moment?
The answer is simple:
A new breed of DJ.
The Couch DJ’s are a fusion of united underdogs from the vinyl underground of suburban America. While most DJ's aspire to be the man of the moment and DJ in the spotlight for everyone to worship, the Couch DJ's focus on providing the kind of musical atmospherics that draw from every genre of house to set the stage for before, during and after the party. Ancient encrypted messages in the desert brought these musical protégés together from different tribes under the vision of house music. The missing part of the story is that Jack also had a couch, and this is where the groove was born.........

Not Everyone Understands Couch Music.

It's a headphonestick thing........
Anyone that wants one of our custom fitted world class dj headphonesticks are welcome to email us to order. Dave T is a limited edition craftsman that uses space age technology and only does very limited runs of our headphonesticks. They are made for the individual personally, with customized dimensions and parts that are umatched with regard to innovation and design. Doubling as intergalactic space walkie talkies, these multipurpose gadets are the greatest thing since herbal grinders

As seen here, being used by the infamous Idjut Boys of U-star, Noid, Discfunction and Bear entertainment fame: :
As seen here, being used by Doc Link:


Idjut boys, Chicken Lips, DJ Harvey, Street Corner Symphony, Pantera, Jimi Hendrix, Metallica back in the day, Danzig, Sepultura, Parliment, Masters at Work, Jewlicious, Matisyahu, Acoustic Alchemy, Led Zepplin, WAR, the Doors, Dubtribe, Om Records, Naked Music, 2000 Black, 4 Lux, Amore, Arision, Balihu, Bear Entertainment, Bear Funk, Big Bear, Compost, Deeper Soul, Deeply Rooted House, Delsin, Economy DJ, Electric Souls, Environ, Eskimo, Exceptional, Far Out, Feedelity, Freerange, Freestyle, Full Pupp, GAMM, INFRACom!, JCR, Hairy Claw, Heading Home, Jazzy Sport, K7, Large, Mantis, MAW, Miso, Moods & Grooves, Moxie, Needs, New Religion, Nuphonic, Odori, Peacefrog, Philpot, Planet E, Prescription, Pulver, Q Tape, Raw Fusion, Real Tone, Rong, Rotax, Rush Hour, Schema, Seasons Recordings, Session, Smash Hit, Sonar Kollektiv, Soul Jazz, Sound Signature, Still Music, Sunshine Enterprises, Third Ear, Tirk, Trackmode, Tru Thoughts, U-Star, Ubiquity, Vega, Versatile, Winding Road, Wonderwheel, Digibag Records, Imperial Dub, 4'th floor, Nu Groove, ZYX, Traxx, DJ International Deepfunk Music, A special tribal shout out to Brian and Craig, Soul Folks Cafe Music, Ian Pooley, Ami-D, Andrea, Andrew Macari ,Andy Caldwell , Andy Struck ,Angel Alanis, Aquanote, Ben Annand, Big Cee, Brian Cabalic, Bodyrock DJs, Brett Johnson, Buck, Cade, Charles Feelgood, Cheyne, Nadeau ,Chris Lum, Chuck Love, Cirel, Cocoe, Colette, Cory Wells, Danny Love, David Alvarado, David Garcia, Diz,Dj Emi, Doc Link, Doron, Duanne, Eric Davenport, Eric Rosen, Evan Landes, Fred Everything, Funky Transport, Gabe (Monkey Bars), Gabriel Rene, Garth, Gene Hunt, Gilley, Greenskeepers, Groove Junkies, Halo, Heather, Iain Macpherson, Ian Pooley, James Curd , James Sound, Jamie Lewis, Jamie Thinnes, Jason Blakemore, Jeremy, Jesse Brooks, Joeshua, Johnny Fiasco, Jon Pegnato, Joplin, Jordan, Josh Billings JP , JT Donaldson, Juan Nunez, Julius Papp, Justin Michael, Kaskade, Kemal, Kevin F, Lance Desardi, Leo Romo, Lil Brandon, Lillyanne, M3, Mario M , Mark E Quark, Mark Grant, Mark Sanchez, Marques Wyatt, Matt Mau, Michael Tello, 4 Hero, 83 West, Aardvarck, Aaron Ross, Akwaaba, Alex From Tokyo, Âme, Alex Attias, Alix Alvarez, Anthony Nicholson, Azymuth, Ben Cook, Boo Williams, Break Reform, Bugz In The Attic, Camacho, Carl Craig, Charles Webster, Château Flight, Chez Damier, Chris Duckenfield, Craig Alexander, Crazy Penis, Daniel Wang, Dan Curtin, Dean Decosta, Dego, Dennis Ferrer, Dixon, DJ Harvey, DJ Lou, Doc Martin, Domu, Dubious, Dublex Inc., Ernesto, Franck Roger, Frankie Feliciano, Garth, Gerardo Frisina, Gerd, Glenn Underground, Greg Wilson, Henrik Schwarz, Herbert, Idjut Boys, Inverse, Cinematics, Jamie Thinnes, Jazzanova, Jeno, Jimpster, Jneiro Jarel, John Tejada, Juan Nuñez, Julien Jabre, Kerri Chandler, Kid Sublime, King Britt, Larry Levan, Lars Bartkuhn, Lindstrøm, Manoo, Marcus Enochson, Mark De Clive-Lowe, Masters At Work, Maurice Fulton, Michoacan, Mike Edge, Mike Huckaby, Moodyman, Nicola Conte, Osunlade, Patchworks, Phil Asher, Prins Thomas, Quantic, Ray Mang, Recloose, Red Astaire, Roc Hunter, Roy Ayers, Restless Soul, Ron Hardy, Ron Trent, Scotty Coats, Seiji, Soldiers of Twilight, Spinna, Spirit Catcher, Spiritual South, SpyMusic, Steve Kotey, Swag, Theo Parrish, Thievery Corporation, Thomas, Titonton Duvante, Todd Terje, Tony Watson, Tosca, Trickski, Tussle, Unabombers, Valida, Yam Who?, Yukihiro Fukutomi, Michelle Mai, Miguel Migs, Miles Maeda, Miss Honey Dijon, Morgan Page, Mr. Annand, Natural Rhythm, Nima, Nonfiction, Olias, Pair Of Jacks, Parrish, Wintersmith, Pat Schoolastra , Q-Burns, Raoul Belmans, Raul Campos, Rees, Urban, Rhines, Richard Humpty Vission, Rithma, Ryan Lopes, Rythmik, Scott K. , Sir Piers, Slick Dada, Stereo System DJs, Steven Dimitri, Sugar Ant Invasion, Swirl People, Swivel, Terence Toy, Terry Newsome, The Bodyrock DJs, Theory, Thomas White, Tim Trace, Uniting Souls, Vinyl Tribe, Wally Callerio, Wobs, Zack Hill, Drop Music and the Toka Project connection, Jonathan Lastra, SOul Ascendants, THC Records, Ray Mang, Laj, Joey Negro/Dave Lee/Doug Willis, Heading Home Records, Metro Area, Wicked SF, Sublevel, Simon, Doc Martin, Paul T, Tony Watson, Josh Wink, Eddie Richards, Gideon Jackson, Dave Mothersole, Grant Dell, Daniel Poli, Terry Francis, Steve Bug, Jay Tripwire, Nathan Coles, Tribal Souls, Swag, Oliver at Absurd Recordings Kacey Goto Lillyanne and Leonard, Rasoul, Kevin Yost and I records, Kenny Bobien, Big Moses, FK, Danny Krivit and Joe Clausell @ Body and Soul, Underground Resistance, Cpen, Joeski, Onionz, Kerri Chandler, John Tejada, Larry “Mr. Fingers” Heard, Coldcut, Dixon, Inverse Cinematics, David Mancuso, Bugz In The Attic, Derrick Carter, John Arnold, Ron Hardy, Halo, Masters at Work, Lance Desardi, Metro Area, Glenn Underground, Vibezelect ,Moodyman Swag, Brett Johnson,Morgan Geist, Fred Everything, DJ Gregory, Pete Moss, Jazzy Eyewear, Doc Martin, Green Velvet, Herbert, JT Donaldson, Jimpster, Gene Hunt, Natural Rhythm, DJ Cole Medina, Madrid De Los Austrias, Iz & Diz, SImply Jeff, Russ and Martina and Ethan at @ DJ Culture, NeoSouls, Drez and 55 South,(drez you are one bahhhhhd mothafaahhcka) Abstract Workshop Peeps (SCUD ALERT), Acoustic , Doc Link, Nuyorcian Soul, Kris Taylor, Joplin and Dru Sullivan, Nonfiction, Wobs, Wally Callerio, Jason Blakemore, Natural Rhythms, Sprit/Amy D, Joe Satrianni, Darius Aleksandar, Josh Patrick, Frankie Felliciano, Marques Wyatt, Big Cee, Joe Rodriguez and the Gravy Crew, Nightmares on Wax, Nuphonic Records, Figures of Speech, oh yeah did I mention Figures of Speech, Noid/Ustar/BlackCock/Spectrum/Street Corner Records/Pete Z/ Moton/MTW/Fiasco/Cottage/Tribeca/Bear Entertainment connections all the old rare groove with the redit filter funk that you don't know the name of the artist label or song but it's roots and on point and you think it's the original and then you hear Harvey drop a way earlier version of it at some party in LA that has the vibe so thick with the fog machine you can't see in front of you and let us also not forget Mozart, Matisyahu, Beethoven, and is the answer

Be sure to check out:


Waking Life
The Matrix
Star Wars OG
Old School


Fuck Television


Dancing has been a part of our ancestry for thousands of years. Traditionally it was used as a way to go into a trance and create reality. Feel free to dance your expression of life. Self expression is the greatest treasure you own. Using dance to express yourself purifies your mind and sets your soul free. It doesn't matter what anybody thinks it only matters what you think.
The greater mind (subconscious) loves all creation equally and doesn't judge anyone's, so it's not your business to determine how your expression compares to others. However, it is important that you visualize lofty thoughts (health, abundance, happiness, timelessness, ongoingness, etc.........) in your mind- for they are what creates the wonders in your life . By living the vision through the dance you will manifest it into the future.
Thought is a timeless , essence, it moves in and out of past , present and future. While you dance become passionate about your vision (dream) until you have accepted it. Then the vision will become a reality in the days to come. So, next time you go out dancing don't worry about who's there and who's not or how fancy the place is set up, just remember to focus your mind on a lofty thought and let the music take you.


"We are all like cosmic musical instruments, all vibrating at a unique set of frequencies at a subatomic level, singing our own inaudible song that can be felt and experienced but never heard physically. Our thoughts, feelings, actions, beliefs and our observance of acts of lovingkindness and relationship with the infinite all directly and indirectly determine the intensity and qualities of these vibrations. Subsequently we are attracted to those that are vibrating at similar levels and repelled by those at dissimilar levels. If we focus our attention on the negative in life, we attract negative results. If we focus on the positive, we attract positive results. Intention translates in to reality, it seems with enough clarity and focus.....Life then, not just about shedding light in this world, and increasing spirituality in this world for the sake of doing it, but such that the world can be purposefully raised spiritually for a richer and more connected existence. Gaining control over different types of these vibrations can lead to a more purposeful experience in regard to the attraction model of one's life, for the good or bad. This is not to question the absolute authority of the infinite universe by any means, but to increase our awareness of how powerful our free will can be in terms of creating results in one's life. The degree to which we can decease resistance and bring these vibrations into alignment with our destiny always affects the ease of the process in general"



My Blog

Patience of the Heart

Preexistthe memory that persistspredicting a futurethat consistsof this timeless potentialitya non-linear spiritualitycall outfrom aboveunity multiplieddown belowwaters dividedseemingly separatedlovee...
Posted by Couch DJ's on Mon, 24 Sep 2007 05:14:00 PST


We tend to view sex as a mechanical sport, instead of a sacred, soulful act that can deliver long term lasting pleasure. In Kabbalah the cosmic and the erotic are intimately intertwined. Attraction, a...
Posted by Couch DJ's on Tue, 29 May 2007 09:16:00 PST

Soul Simcha Surrender

There are two kinds of joy in this from rejoicing in what is.....what you have created or been given, and another type that stems from letting go.....from releasing stress/tension/attac...
Posted by Couch DJ's on Mon, 21 May 2007 09:52:00 PST

Choose wisely :)

"A person can make a decision in three ways: positively, negatively, or a decision not to make a decision. In all cases, a person is responsible for, and reaps the benefits or problems associated with...
Posted by Couch DJ's on Fri, 18 May 2007 11:17:00 PST

In motion is still in motion

In Motion"Anticipate always being in motion, surrender to the fact that things are changing, yet always be crystal clear with your intentions and vision. This dualistic approach empowers flexibility t...
Posted by Couch DJ's on Tue, 15 May 2007 02:56:00 PST

Music is the metaphor of time and time is the metaphor of the Eternal

"You can't get to sleep?" "Who are you? How do you know I can't sleep?" "I am an old man who lives in the silence of eternity. Your concert this evening was very good." "Did you think so? I don't k...
Posted by Couch DJ's on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 04:13:00 PST

Synergy Lives

    There is a common misconception that life is about being in the right place at the right time.   In truth, your experience has as much to do with what is happening inside you as wi...
Posted by Couch DJ's on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 09:17:00 PST

Kabbalah of Music

The highest purpose of all effort in this world is to reach higher than our own minds, higher than mind at all Not to a place where the mind ceases to exist, but to its essence, to the inner harmony a...
Posted by Couch DJ's on Wed, 04 Oct 2006 08:42:00 PST

Candles of the Soul

"Candles of the Soul" To think is to create thinking manifests the potential but then we have to act on the potential and bring it down and make it real to act is to achieve we are all like candles...
Posted by Couch DJ's on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 11:27:00 PST

MicroMacro Muse

"Once you begin living a more spiritually fulfilling life, your sense of connection actually increases.  Regardless of how others live their lives, your inner sense of connection and love for tho...
Posted by Couch DJ's on Thu, 28 Sep 2006 12:11:00 PST