Stuff. Blankets. The insides of your head. Random and odd facts. Things that are cruel and/or unusual.
I've now met the fruit of my loins. He's darn cute, this little man of mine. Meeting him will suffice for now, although I'm sure you're an interesting human as well. Just not as interesting as my offspring.
Otherwise... People I have randomly encountered in life, and perhaps their random circle of friends. I would like a burrito of friends. Some that are meaty and tasty, some that are full of beans, some that are cheesy, some that are sassy and saucy, and a few to wrap it all up. Is that you?
Music touches me inappropriately, and I don't have the proper doll to show you where.
Much like my friends, I am a movie-quote-aholic. I do not pretend to shun movies and TV. Here are a few of my favorite things.
Silence of the Lambs ("Right, was she a great big fat girl?").
Sideways. A movie that features wine as the central character? Hell ya. And no, I don't drink f**king Merlot.
Taxi Driver ("I hope no one has died.").
HBO, baby. I think I was Calamity Jane in a previous life. "Are you fuckin' dead?!" "Where did this puddle of piss come from? I should have been more careful when I sat upon this spot."
Comedy stuff/specials. Appearances by Phil Porter on Animal Planet.
Hooked on The Amazing Race - I'm convinced that Phil and I should be on it.
Anything with pretty pictures or fuzzy things to touch.
My heroes have always been cowboys...and if anyone really knows me, then you know that's a damn lie (up yours, Texas!).
Comedians, man, that's where it's at. Ain't nothing better than a man (occasional woman) who can make me snort.
My current hero is Amos Russell Porter, the fruit of my loins (and Phil's loins as well). He sleeps like a champ, which taunts his parents as we learn to live without sleep.
Oh, and Stephen Hawking for his brilliant sense of humor.