Eric doormouse profile picture

Eric doormouse

If you are looking for a place for that knife, I hear my heart makes a good sheath

About Me

Don't sell yourself short -- you have a formidable intellect and a curious mind (my "horoscope" recently)

Like a fine piece of brie, my words are best with a bottle of wine at you side, so sit back and enjoy all my words here AND THANK YOU TO ALL MY READERS WHO JUST TOOK ME OVER 3500 BLOG VIEWS AND 10,000 PAGE VIEWS!. . . or check out some of the other places I currently contribute or contributed my words to:
the Doormouse Trap
dmouse myspace blog
Wordpress Blog - Music Industry Editorial , subscribe here please
Amazon Consumer Reviews
my linked in resume page

and I've started writing on a occasion for from time to time too, good peeps over there

The doormouse title is actually a derived from the Lewis Carroll character, the dormouse. Appearing in variations of Through the Looking Glass & Alice in Wonderland the dormouse was not one of the main characters, but provided some comic relief from the mad scenes in which he is a part of with the hatter and the hare. My connection to the dormouse is quite coincidental, and stems more from my "mousy" appearance and my misfortune of "holding the door" for everyone. My sister helped give me the nickname and everyone since then has helped perpetuate it. It was even my radio handle and my pen name in college. The misspelling is quite humorous as well, and helps perpetuate the theory that I can't spell anyhow, so why even get the nickname correct?

some choice words I enjoy and inspire/explain me
Oh, little mouse, you are the only thing that keeps me sane... H. Simpson
Be what you would seem to be—or, if you'd like it put more simply—Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise - Lewis Carroll
one would think that in a life where no two snowflakes are alike that one would have a brilliant rhyme for each and every bit of time - clutch
you face forward or you face the possibility of shock and damage - k. smith
peace and trust can win the day despite all that you're loosing - led zeppelin
All you need is love, love is all you need - the beatles
work consists of whatever the body is obliged to do and play consists of whatever the body is not obliged - m. twain
for those i love, i will sacrifice - indecision
simply because you can breath does not mean that you really care - rise against
for all of us who still try, hope is the last to die - most precious blood
I am I; and I wish I wasn't; self-consciousness is acute and distressing - a. huxley
As one stage of your journey is over, another begins… and the coming…will be like the coming of small stones in the mountains that starts an avalanche - j rr tokein you nailed all your words down on me and it felt like a blind guide leading me into quicksand - norma jean
words scribbled on a page seems so useless in this day and age, like nothing means nothing any more - stretch arm strong
don't waste your time always searching for those wasted years and realize you're living in life's golden years – iron maiden
say what you mean... and mean what you say - l. carroll
why live in's so boring -
you know what I think of this contract, yeish, gooosh, grrrrrr - h. simpson
the secret to getting ahead is getting started. the secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks and then starting with the first one - m twain
i never though this could be me, i guess you never do, till its happening to you - boysetsfire
I fear a cage… to stay behind bars till use or old age has come to accept me, and all chase of valor has gone beyond recall or desire - j rr tokein
There was something called democracy; as though men were more than psycho-chemically equal. There was a thinking called Heaven; but all the same they used to drink enormous quantities; There was a thinking called the soul and a thing called immortality; but they used to take drugs and do harm unto their own. - a. huxley
hey, what does this job pay – homer :: nothing – lenny :: d’oh – homer
i'm not one to believe in magic, but i sometimes have a second sight, i'm not one with a sense of proportion, when my heart still changes overnight - rush
desperation holding hands with tragedy, lost time colluding with lunacy - most precious blood
the weapons locked and loaded, but the trigger finger's snagged on the mousetrap of the moment - everytimeidie
you are mistaken, my friend…nothing can alter my destiny, you will perceive how irrevocably it is determined… I thank you for your sympathy, but it is useless - m shelly
he's about to learn the most important lesson in the music business, don't trust people in the music business... h. simpson
we learned more from a three minute record than we ever learned in school - b. springsteen
i want to find the waters that will wash this whole damned slate clean - boysetsfire
would you tell me please, which way i aught to go from here ; that depends a good deal on where you want to go ; i don't much care so long as i get somewhere ; oh you'll surely do that for it doesn’t' matter which way you go then - l. carroll
they began to tell their adventures to hungry listeners but they only began.... it was not a thing likely to have and end with imaginations like their to furnish fresh material - m twain
inside every man is a struggle between good and evil that cannot be resolved - h. simpson
yet do no suppose because complain a little or because i can conceive a consolation for my toils which i may never now that i am wavering in my resolutions... those are as fixed as my fate - m. shelly
the sick and tired refrain of every day is branding itself into you, discouragement defined by all the times when everything just falls apart - boysetsfire
faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to - miracle on 34th street
look at me, i'm a grad student, i'm 30 years old and i made $600 last year – b. simpson :: don't make fun of grad students, they just made a horrible life choice – M. Simpson
i will never hold my breath because i will only suffocate and while i'm waiting them time is wasting and i can only do my best... - h2o
yesterday was just a memory that tomorrow cannot be - stretch arm strong
the spirits that guarded me had provided these moments that i might retain strength and fulfill my pilgrimage. deprived of this respite i should have sunk further into my hardships - m shelly
so when you're waiting for the next attack, you better stand your ground there's no turning back - maiden
when the urgency strikes you, you’d better not loose your nerve - everytimeidie
to go back is to admit defeat and a fate much worse if the defeat is to come - j rr tolkein
i came to the conclusion that people were just peculiar. i withdrew from them and never thought about them until i was forced to - harper lee
i looked upon the accounts of vice and injustice, at least they were remote, but now misery has come home and men appear to me as monsters thirsting for each other's blood - m. shelly
what if I wind up as some vegetable lying on the couch, then my important work will never be realized – h. simpson
try, there is no try, do or do not - yoda
the truth can only so long hide in shadows of our own design so amend and stabilize - boysetsfire
you know well enough now starting is too great a claim for any and that only a small part is played in the great deeds of any hero in the finishing - j rr tolkein
ok brain, you don’t like me and I don’t like you, but let’s just get through this and then I can get back to killing you slowly with beer - h. simpson
i can't let fate dictate what's best for me, gotta take control of my own destiny - h2o
I've got something important to say and the power to say it - only I don't know what it is and I can't make any use of the power - a. Huxley
when falsehood can look so much like truth who can assure themselves of certain happiness - m shelly
oh, I remember, you get drunk all the time - m simpson :: do you remember that you are an enabler? h simpson :: yeah, that’s why we make such a great time m simpson
the hearts is something you cannot control you either chose to follow or be left behind - rise against
let's just say, we've run our course, no need to argue or question the source - stretch arm strong
motion without meaning...action without function...nothing will breed nothing...i try to drown my sorrorws but my sorrow swims well - norma jean
those words took you but seconds to say, rorever more and since that day, they will replay - most precious blood
i don't believe - skywalker :: than that is why you fail - yoda
don't hold me up now, i can stand my own ground - rise against
I’m enchanted by the lavish ballet and I’ll whistle the tune all the way to the gallows that I heard at the caboret - everytimeidie
If this is to be the end, then I would have them make such an end as to be remembered for the ages - j rr tokein
the horizon; the last thing i should hope to see tonight - signal to noise
A Penny for Your Thoughts, Or My Insights
(all – c-right-me-current era-usa/wipo)

you cannot go back and fix the err of your past as you perceive it, all you can do is forge ahead anew - t.ed – thedmouse
Passion and aspiration tend to make it not as difficult as you are more likely to not see those as potential problems as much as positives - t.ed – thedmouse
I had but one wish and dream as a child, it was to fulfill in life what those I looked up to had, unfortunately as an adult in the granting of that wish I am realizing the reality of it included situations I did not intend to be a part of as well and dreams I never inteneded to be imparted upon me - t.ed – thedmouse
in baseball, there's only three strikes, in life there are as many as you need till you are too embarrassed to keep swinging, aparantly, i wasn't embarrassed enough so i kept swining... boy, that was a mistake. t.ed – dmouse
the best of intentions are rarely immune to the inherent dexterity of the freewill of the intentions surrounding them - t.ed – dmouse
Incomplete or missing answers are either a sign of stupidity or dishonestly...why else you would you not volunteer the complete and unabridged version if not to hide the truth, or be to inherently dumb to realize it - t.ed – dmouse
If there is something positive to be derived from the insecurity of most humanity it is that it imspires the rest to aspire to greatness to get away from everyone else - t.ed dmouse
resolution is fate in its most undeniable form, no restitution, no retries, no returns… - t.ed – dmouse
If you want to know more and its not in other sections, hit me up with a message or whatnot. Those people who know me best know me because they took the time, effort and energy to get to know the complex depth of my personality and accept me for my loyality, my integrity and my intelligence as well as my quirks, my sarcasm, my depression and my in general "assholeness" as it has been called.

My Interests

I have about a hundred and one hobbies in addition to the music stuff that appears to dominate my life.

I am an intellect, an introverted extrovert, and not very good at filling these things out (haha, with all this text maybe that's not quite true). I believe life is a series of moments and it is important to take advantage of as many as possible. I enjoy ellipsis and a very diversified range of interests such as music (especially playing drums, listening to everything below, reading history and being involved in the industry), writing, cooking and eating (Creole / cajun, Mexican / Southwester, Asian esp Japaneese and Thai, Iberian Pensula dishes, French, etc...), hiking, fishing, the outdoors (esp. beaches and mountains), pubs, rock clubs (RIP CBGBs and so many other amazing NY/NJ clubs over the years...), scotch, coffee (stronger the better, vanilla or pumpkin pie flavored), peanutbutter, fudge, classic cars (espeically Mustangs), aquariums (especially my two tanks at home with Africian Chiclids and Gouromi), museums, Baseball (especially the NY Yankees, though I'm a DC Nattions & old school Sens fan), Hockey (especially The Washington Capitals, Montreal Canadians & NY Rangers), Football (especially the Washington Redskins and NY Giants), reading books and newspapers (I read the funny pages in the paper first because I need a laugh before delving into the more serious matters of world events, C. Schulz will be forever missed! Mutts and Calvin and Hobbes are also personal faves...thanks to the AP, Reuters & Digital Music News wires for killing hours of reading on end), the internet (addiction??), cartoons (esp. the simpsons, rockey and bullwinkle...Love the real kings of the genre: W. Hanna, J. Barbara, I.F. Freiling, R.T. Avery, R. McKimson, B. Clampet, C. Jones, L. Schlesinger, F. Quimby...etc. plus some Disney stuff, Family Guy, Futurama, etc...), choo choo trains (both modles and the real thing), playing billiards / pool, skeeball and mini golf...

I: love using formalities like sir and ma'am, please and thank you and more; have a tonne of Jersey Pride; have too much music in my collection to fit in my apartment; enjoy an awesome family; am half French Canadian and half Portuguese and love both, get a kick out of sarcasm and puns; enjoy asking questions till there are more more answers (and making lists of them...); love my passions and get attached to them quickly and ardently, etc.,...

My favorite places are: Yakataw Park, the Applachian Trail through the Delaware Water Gap along the Kittannies in Western Jersey, Ringwood State Park and skyline drive, Ramapo Mountain (where I also fish), Weiss Conservatory, the Palasades skyline parks, Mercer County Park, D&R Canal Parks, Carnegie Lake Park and Asupink Resevoir Parks, inside the Pine Barrens, upstate NY in the Adriondaks. Also, before Memorial Day and After Labor Day I go out to Sandy Hook State Park. Central Park, the Village in NYC, Vintage Vinyl, Princeton Record Exchance, Loony Tunes LI, Yankee Stadium, CBGBs (RIP), The Natonal Aquarium in Baltimore... Aquariums or anypace with fish, flower gardens (esp. w/ lillies!), old ballparks & ice rinks, museums, classic car shows, a quiet treelined street, my bedroom with my fishtanks, in the kitchen cooking, a creole or southwestern cusine resturant, a killer local coffee shop, and anyplace I can conversations with friends over a fine bourbon, scotch, whiskey, red wine (esp. Ports & Cabs) or ales (I love a good IPA) like a nice quaint pub.

I love hanging out with friends in general. I love to share the experience of life with others, even if I am not exactly the most social person in the world.

I could, obviously, certainly continue on, but I'll spare you the reading, message me for more...

I'd like to meet:

People, God, space aliens, and the voices in my head

Organ grinder monkeys and pirates, Homer Simpson, Charlie Brown, Bullwinkle Moose, Holden Caufield, Tom Sawyer, Atticus Finch, Mark Twain, Mary Shelly, Lewis Carol, Alexander Ovechkin, Saku Koivu, Mario Lemieux, Patrick Roy, Roger Clemens, Derek Jeter, Lou Gherig, Mike Rowe, Emeril Lagasse, Ben Franklin, Theodore Roosevelt, Winston Churchill, Margret Thatcher, Bill Clinton, Charles Schulz, Tim Burton, Petr Iliad Tchovochsky, Charles Ives, John Lennon, Max Roach, Gene Kurpa, Buddy Rich, Neil Peart, Nicko McBrain, John Bomhan, Keith Moon, Ian Paice, Joe Torre, George Steinbrenner & the NY Yankees, the Montreal Canadians, the Washington Capitals, the Washington Nationals (and former DC Sens) the artists & musicians I've not had the honor of meeting yet by still adore as a fan and all of those charactors living or dead, real or created who inspired me throughout my life to this point.

Other hikers, fishermen, conservationalists, music entheusiasts, audiophiles, nerds, "liberal Catholics," intellects, artists, writers, photographers, percussionists / drummers and other musicians, legal people (esp. intellectual property law), entertainment marketers esp. specializing in internet & new media, mechanics & Ford people, lovers of Spring & Atutumn, hockey fans, yankee fans, tropical fish breeders, intorverted extroverts, past friends, etc and anyone who is open-minded and open-hearted, communicative, honest, trustworthy, truthful, faithful, ardent, dedicated, monogamous, respectful, genuine, sincere, moral, reliable and with self-confidence, self-respect, dignity and integrity.

I have no more time left in my life for those people with no respect for my life.


I've been a die hard music fan for about as long as I can remember. In some ways they probably do not want to hear it, but it is all my parents fault. No seriously... As a child, I can't ever remember a time when there wasn't music playing (or I wasn't playing it).

Oh, where to begin... does anyone read this stuff anyhow apart from bands trying to add me?? Try this on for size... over 5000 pieces of tangable music from 78rpm records through CDs and thousands more songs on mp3 now that the ipod is rocking.

speaking of the ipod, here's what's on it:

"Alternative": At the Drive-In, Alice in Chains, Cave In, Deftones, Demon Hunter, Earthtone 9, Faith No More, Fugazi, Funeral For a Friend, the Great Deceiver, Helmet, Kiss Kiss, Incubus, Janes Addiction, King's X, Live, The Might Mighty Bosstones, Mr Bungle, Muse, The Nixons, Oceansize, Oysterhead, Radiohead, Pitchshifter, The Police, Porno For Pyros, Primus, Project 86, Quicksand, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Shift, Spiritualized, Soundgarden, System of a Down, Therapy?, U2, Unsane, VAST, Vaux

Classic Rock & Metal: AC/DC, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Def Leppard, Guns n Roses, Iron Maide, Judas Priest, Led Zeppelin, Living Color, Megadeth, Metallica, Motley Crue, Motorhead, Ozzy, Van Hallen

Doom & Atmosphere: A Perfect Circile, Agalloch, Amorphis, Anathema, Antimater, Green Carnation, Katatonia, My Dying Bride, Opeth, Paradise Lost, Pink Floyd, Porcupine Tree, Sentenced, Tool, Type O Negative Prog: Coheed & Cambria, Devin Townsend, Dream Theater, Fates Warning, King Crimson, Queensryche, Rush, Savagage, Yes

Punk & Hardcore: A Wilhelm Scream, Alexisonfire, Blindsie, The Bouncing Souls, Boysetsfire, Disembodied, Embodyment, Emery, Everytimeidie, Far, From Autumn to Ashes, Green Day, H2O, Haste the Day, Indecision, The Killing Tree, Killswitch Engage, Leeway, The Letters Organize, The.Radio.Sky, The Modern Day Saint, Most Precious Blood, Overcast, Poison the Well, Refused, Rise Against, Still Remains, Snapcase, Stretch Arm Strong, This.Day.Forward, Thrice, Thursday, Time In Malta, Underoath, The Valley Arena, Vision of Disorder

"Rock": Black Label Society, Clutch, Corrosion of Conformity, Crowbar, Down, Entombed, Fight, High on Fire, Lynyrd Skynkrd, Maylene and the Sons of Disaster, Neurosis, Scissorfight, Seemless, Sevendust, Signal to Noise, Soil

Tech & Grind: All.Shall.Perish, Becoming the Archetype, Blood Has Been Shed, Breather Resist, Candiria, Cephalic Carnage, Converge, Cryptopsy, Cynic, The Dillinger Escape Plan, the Esoteric, Folly, Gospel, Into the Moat, Neck, Norma Jean, The Number 12 Looks Like You, Skinless, Soilent Green, Strapping Young Lad, Will Haven

Trash & Death: A Life Once Lost, All That Remains, Arch Enemy, As I Lay Dying, At the Gates, Avenged Sevenfold, Bleeding Through, Byzantine, Carcass, Children of Bodom, Chimaira, Dark Tranquility, Death, the Defaced, Extol, Fear Factory, Fear My Thoughts, God Forbid, Grip Inc., The Haunted, Heaven Shall Burn, If Hope Dies, In Flames, Into Eternity, Lamb of God, Living Sacrifice, Machine Head, Meshuggah, Nodes of Ranvier, Pantera, Pissing Razors, Reflux, Sepultura, Skinlab, Soilwork, Summer Dying, Trestament, Trivium, Unearth, Zao

Jazz Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, Max Roach, Art Blakey, Gene Krupa, Buddy Rich, Duke Ellington, Charlie Parker, Sonny Rollins, T. Monk, Dave Brubeck, Charles Mingus, John Coltrane, Mahavishnu Orchestra, Pat Metheny, John McLaughlin

Yeah, I listen to this too: Ptyr Illiad Tchychovcski, Jean Sibalius, Stravinsky, Aaron Copeland, Wagner, Verdi, Holst

Might go without saying: the Beatles, Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band

Being a percussionist set the table for a love of all things music. I could analyze why I listen to all that I do, but honestly, it's more than would fit well here.


What is a movie?? Do I even have time to watch this stuff??
I like "well done" epics and "good" series films - otherwise the occasional old school "horror" that was more suspense and less gore and some other stuff that I'm not sure what catagory it goes into.
If you have read this far: anything Tim Burton related, the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars (both series, though the originals are FAR superior to the new ones), Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, anything Kevin Smith related, 007 James Bond (Connery was a God, Brosnan era close second), Cusack in High Fidelity and Say Anything, old Disney full-length animation, Jaws, Friday the 13th, Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally and Sleepless in Seattle, anything Alfred Hitchcock, Amelie (can you believe that makes the list?), momento, most things Robin Williams related, The Pink Panther series, cheezy 80's teen flicks (hey you gotta go back to your roots somewhere) etc.
What I hate: predictable plotlines, anything with a singer turned movie star, anything derivitative or structured on the one and a half hour dumbed down for potential tv broadcast cut from the hollywood mold, really poor cinematography and editing, horrible use of language or reliance on either blood, sex or cgi to carry a film...


I don't like most tv and shouldn't have time for it anyhow... but my all time favorites include the Simpsons, Rockey & Bullwinkle, Looney Tunes, Merrie Melodies, Tiny Tunes, Anamaniacs, South Park, Peanuts, old early 80s era Saturday Morning Cartoons (esp. Hanna & Barbara).

If I am not watching cartoons I might be found watching the old E.R. and N Y P D Blue episodes, 24, Arested Development and pretty much anything on the Animal Channel, the Food Network, the Learning Channel, Discovery Channel, etc. i'm sure there might be a few other's I am missing

Apart from that, the only other things I will watch are hockey, baseball and football, the yes network, madison square garden network, espn, fsn, etc.

If the mood catches me right I might hit up MTV or Fuse, but I watch my vids online if I do these days.


Yeah, I read. I'm supposedly a writer according to the 101 BLOG posts i have up already and of course, there's always my weekly emails and review contributions, etc. However, when i'm not writing myself, i'm drawing inspiration...

Lewis Carroll, Mary Shelly, Hemmingway, Dickins, Tolkein, London, Hitchcock, Twain, Lee, Vernes and more. I love classic literature but those probably hit the closest to home, and no, it's not my love of wordiness.

Do cartoon animators count? Schultz, Suess, Waterson, Greoning, etc.

Lame as it sounds, a couple of business writers, specifically Jim Collins... and I just finished Chris Anderson's "The Long Tail" which was very interesting.


To all of my family, extended family, step-family and friends who probably should be family anyhow -
Jeannette "Cheshire Cat" Peltier
Stupid Soubriquettes Steve "drunkerham lincoln" Schwarz, the Master of Mayhem
Ben Markese, D.L.H.
Jackie "Where's My Drink" Pedraza
Amy "who don't I work for?" Sciarretto
Sean "Pellet-goat" Pelletier
Andrew "drewcifer" Sample
Cheryl "J.P." Valentine
Tom "Smitty" Smith
Andrew "it's really a Harely" McMichael
Dave "Rainbow Road" Vagasky
John "el Prez" Adams
Darrin "leather daddy" Fieber
Tracey "marachi" West
Lord Chip McCabe
Elaine "red" Ranus
Raja "I want a Mustang too!" Soi
The TiNK
Brother Gregory at CHC
"Radio" Dave Elrich
Bobby "tastebuds" Maro"
Jason "trucker" Durand
Anthony "thriller" Russinello
Mike "Millenium" Falcone
Mike "Tiz" Tisdale
Jason "Cheech" Debiak
Ralph "311" Aloia
and the many more who don't fit here, I forgot, or didn't have a good nickname for!
To the many teachers, administrators and staff who helped educate me in the class room and beyond at Pace University NYC , Lubin School of Business, New York University NYC , School of Continuing and Professional Studies, , , University of Hartford CT , Hartt School of Music and Barney School of Business and throughout highschool at West Windsor-Plainsboro Highschool and Calvert Hall College Prep, as well as all of my private music instructors, coaches and mentors over the years!
To all those who worked with me, tolerated me, freaked out on me and pushed me to be the best I can be at WSAM, WWUH, WCCC, the Informer, the Music and Entertainment Industry Student Association (MEISA), the Hartford Metal Militia, U of H Program Council, U of H H.N.P.M., the WWPHS Pirate Band, the WWPHS sports department, the CHC Fighting Cardnals Band, the U of H Percussion Ensemble, U of H Capitol Winds, the Baltimore Colts Parade Band, E.M.B.A., C.M.B.C., the Boys and Girls Club of Union NJ Swim Team, Boy Scouts Pack 163 Watchung Area Council, Al's Sunoco, Island Records / Polygram, Red Ant Entertainment,, the Syndicate, Eyeball Records, etc.
For the CMJ Music Marathon (so many years of great panels, thanks for having me moderate and speak so often!), I.B.S. (amazing time every time thanks for having me), Philadelphia Music Conference, New Jersey Independant Music Festival, University of Hartford MEISA chapter and other's for daring to have me speak at their conventions.

My Blog

The Media Revolution

I realize it  was too long since the last, and i hope to prominse the next will be more swift... the entire element can be viewed at please view it there and com...
Posted by Eric "doormouse" on Tue, 15 May 2007 08:16:00 PST

Did you ever wonder if

If you do any of these, you probably need not apply not as a friend, not as anything. I cannt stand:1. When people do not have a clue how formal English fuctions in either speach or writing.  The...
Posted by Eric "doormouse" on Fri, 11 May 2007 07:13:00 PST

A Digital Conundrum

The entire artilce is, as always, available for your reading pleasure at  I invite you to read the whole piece there and comment here on your thoughts. Recently...
Posted by Eric "doormouse" on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 10:58:00 PST

The Slipery Slope Down

It is all over the news from the WSJ to the AP& Physical CD sales via traditional brick and mortar retail outlets are plummeting yet again in the first quarter of 2007.  It is not surprising as t...
Posted by Eric "doormouse" on Wed, 28 Mar 2007 01:16:00 PST


Being a realist requires a balance of looking forward at both the potential good and pitfalls.  It isn't quite splitting the difference between being an optimist and a pessimist, it is more of it...
Posted by Eric "doormouse" on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 01:05:00 PST the sky with diamonds

I figured you all might enjoy some analysis of the current XM / Sirius potential merger and some thoughts on the situation in general with delivery and programming precept.  hit http://thedoormou...
Posted by Eric "doormouse" on Fri, 16 Mar 2007 09:37:00 PST

7 deadly sins

the whole thing is here as always   The Lenten season in most Christian culture is underway and the notion of sin and repentance stirred up a previous blog conc...
Posted by Eric "doormouse" on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 08:07:00 PST

A Digital Bust

I was thinking about the future of the music business recently and resurrected a few thoughts I had not considered in quite some time which then opened up a few new thoughts.  Of course, ironical...
Posted by Eric "doormouse" on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 07:45:00 PST

Pardon Me, Are You A Single?

Recently, the music work began experiencing a renaissance.  The "single" is making a comeback and its reinvigorated consumer interest is effecting the everything in the industry from retail in th...
Posted by Eric "doormouse" on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 10:47:00 PST

broken and healing

For those of you expecting one of my usual music and entertainment industry tirades, it is on the way.  I promise, they are in the works, several. First off, my broken hand, recovering as well as...
Posted by Eric "doormouse" on Tue, 30 Jan 2007 08:51:00 PST