My Intrests are My Boyfriend Chris , my friends,Shopping,Movies, Music, Make-up,Butterflies, and i cant forget Tinkerbell!!!!
I'd Like To Meet new people, all my fav artists :D
My Music intrests are R&B and rap. My fav artist's are Ciara, Emiem, paul wall ,belly massari, Brooke Hogan Kelly clarkson , Young Jeezy, Akon
My Movie Intrests are : 8 mile, you got served, thirteen, Honey, monster in law, urban legends bloody mary, raising helen, freaky friday, mean girls, lol walt disney cars, bring it on all or nothing!! and the wedding planner. LARRY THE CABLE GUY HEALTH INSPECTOR!!!!!!! , Darkness Falls , Little man, white chicks
Family guy, ,Simpsons, what I like about you, full house and dog the bounty hunter.
I look up to my mom and my amazing boyfriend Chris.