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Re Maja real estate & services

real estates, real house, real holidays, real services!!!

About Me

La Re Maja Real Estate & Services è una attività di costruzione, rivalutazione immobiliare e di servizi, nell' ambito della casa e della vacanza. Grazie al supporto multimediale ed alla realtà di Internet come linea di comunicazione, Re Maja Real Estate & Services vuole essere punto di riferimento per tutte le persone che cercano in Sardegna i migliori servizi e investimenti immobiliari. Quante volte ti sei imbatuto in..... offerte immobiliari, case in affitto, ricerca dell'arredamento o dell' artigianato sardo, e non hai trovato il servizio o l'investimento desiderato? Dopo anni di esperienza nel settore commerciale e immobiliare Re Maja Real Estate & Services, ha selezionato per te i migliori operatori della zona sui rispettivi servizi forniti, garantendoti la massima serietà, trasparenza nei prezzi, garanzia sui materiali utilizzati, e soprattutto la massima disponibilità. www.servizicasavacanza.itWho am: The Re Maja Real Estate & Services an attivit of construction, real estate revaluation and of services, within the house and the vacation. Thanks to the support multimediale and to the realt of Internet as line of communication, Re Maja Real Estate & Services wants of reference to be stung for all the people that look for in Sardinia the best services and real estate investments. How many times you six imbatutos in..... offered immobil houses in lease, search of the furnishings or the Sardinian craftsmanship, and have not you found the service or the desired investment? After years of experience in the sector commercial and real estate Re Maja Real Estate & Services, has selected for you the best operators in the zone on the respective furnished services, guaranteeing you the maximum seriet, transparency in the prices, guarantee on the used materials, and above all the maximum disponibilit.

My Interests

real estate business


Jerry Mcguire, Matrix, Dark City, un Ottima Annata, Il Gladiatore, La Vita é Bella, Il Signore Degli Anelli, Pirati dei Caraibi, Hitch, Mission Impossible II, 007 Casinò Royale


The Right to Life




Me,Bono Vox my Family & all my Friends!!!

My Blog

Guarda questo video: Baby oh Baby

Guarda questo video: Baby oh Baby ..Aggiungi al mio profilo | Altri video...
Posted by Re Maja real estate & services on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 05:51:00 PST


..> ..>  Beaches   Natural Beauty   Books  ..> ..> Costa Rei's Beaches .. The Coast of Kings" in south-east Sardinia is famed for its...
Posted by Re Maja real estate & services on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 08:46:00 PST


..> ............ Culinary Sardinia In Sardinia more people live to be 100 or older than anywhere else in the world. And as a scientific study has shown, this longevity is attributable not to the ...
Posted by Re Maja real estate & services on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 08:43:00 PST


..> ..> ..> ..> Regions of Sardinia Sardinia is a place where you can still have an idyllic vacation and discover wonderful places that lie off the beaten track. The island, which is elonga...
Posted by Re Maja real estate & services on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 08:39:00 PST