just enjoying life and making the most of it, but lots of things, but espacialy kung fu also things like meditation extream sports, rock climbing, playing my guitar , chines food ( in fact all food in genral I can eat like a machine lol ), cool conspiracy theores,new and weird stuff an endless list ( ask me ) oh and going to the seni festival
Crazy cool intressting people, Joseph cheng, Ip Chun and Ip Ching , Billy Conley he always has somthink to say that intrests me errmm Jet Li an Jakie Chan etc.... cool myspace people the Shaolin abbot . spiderman . thats just a small number of the top of me head :P
my favirot is Red Hot Chilli Peppers, capoeria music is good to aswell as african tribal but any thing else in music that makes me feel the mood of the song or my body gets a beat to it
well loads im a big movie fan , of course i love all the martial arts but i have an endless list , from films like the matrix, fight club, lord of the rings, etc............
Family Guy is cool but dont get time to watch much tv im not that intressted in it id rather be doing somthing else ( ask me )
The Flying Spaghetti Monster Lives | I have been touched by His Noodly Appendage | Join the Pastafarians | Bring back the pirates! Add me as a friend fsmismyhero
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The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti MonsterBruce Lee is a big one, not because of he was an amazing figter but his thoughts and wisdom on life. also other martial artists, my sifu ( Kung Fu instructor ) and my Grandad and UncleAlso as in supper heroes i have many like spiderman, wolverine etc....... lol