seriously would love to meet masumi max! that girl has inspired me to do a ton of artwork.oooooooooooo ooo oo and brandie doll! shes so damn hot....uh did i just say that out loud? here is some artwork that i did of her. i would like to meet cali ford as well. this chick has a ton of sites ......she runs all of them. shes a comic artist, photographer, model,has her own web show and is just kick fucking ass. here is her link.
drum and bass, metal, wierd indy stuff you probably have never heard of. alot of underground sounds from overseas. if you know who mum or sigur-ros is than you know what im spreckin. oh and if you dont know im a big fan of the Genitorturers
.. width="425" height="350" ....
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i love asian movies.....anything that has to do with kung-fu, ninjas, samurai, and all out butt whoopins is really cool! i also am what you would call a real fan of horror movies. rob zombie you rock infront of the camera and behind it.holy shit man i just seen high tension! you gotta get this movie. its originally a french flick but its one of the best movies i have ever seen. i tell you ong-bak is the best fight scene movie ever.....ever mspmb allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableJavaScript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" allowScriptAccess="never"
all i have to say is adult swim...........there isnt anything else on t.v. that interests me anymore. exept maybe for tommy goes to school and jackass wich both arent even on anymore.. oh oh oh MY FAVORITE SHOW! THE VENTURE BROS. BROCK FUCKING SAMSON IS MY HERO AND I WANT TO BE JUST LIKE HIM WHEN I NEVER GROW UP!.. width="425" height="350" ....
stories from a vicious circle....the book i just helped produce artwork for. and there are more in the works.
simon bisley...frank miller...freddy krugger.. jason vorhees...your mom..billy idol...elvis..johnny cash...the misfits...jim morrison...sigure evil twin randall
Which Capcom Vs. SNK 2 Character Are You? (Capcom Side - 22 Outcomes!)
Wowie Kazowie, you're SAGAT! You fight for a cause that only you know. The cause is most likely revenge, but it's debatable. You work for someone who you detest, but the illusion that you're subservient to them is important to fool others.You're incredibly powerful - you even hosted the first Street Fighter tourney.
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