Tom profile picture


spooky dooooooom!!!

About Me

This profile was edited with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.4
Lets see here... I'm a techno producer (indescribably by genre, I make danceable music, but it shifts from one genre to another ^^
My music profile is SPORKBOY
I like friends... so be my fwend, damnit!! Everyone -- seriously, if I was here for a screw I would be somewhere else, like or something haenous like that...

I produce elctronic music from home, and paint with my digital tablet (Wacom Intuos III) :D I spend tons of time at home doing those activities, as many of my friends are hard to get ahold of before the weekend, except Adam and Erin, Tyler, Tara and Rusty, who I can always pin down for some hangin' out.

I work at an ISP doing level I-III tech support, and I paint the entire time I'm there. F**king sweet job, I hate talking to people though.

Recently I have been re-abducted by my sorely missed group of stylin' darkling friends, and this time I'm staying with them forevah. But Ive never really been an EBM fanatic... well wait... yeah, I'm getting reintroduced and its finding its way into my winamp playlist, car, heart and all that schtuff.

So anyways... I have donned my white eyebrows and white hair again, the eyebrows are a rather new addition, im stoked on it though (the pain!!!).

Im a HOSER!! Not a POSER!! Minnesota born and proud of it... BITCH!! BT, Junkie XL, Hybrid, Aphex Twin, and a bunch of others are my heroes. Anyways, its nice to be the black sheep amongst the crowd... err, in this case a white sheep.

If I'm not going for my albino/swedish look, I'm just a bearded bear. :p

My Interests

-- Bjork - I Miss You -- Video provided by VideoCodes4U

Electronic music, digital painting, sci-fi, horror, british comedy and drama, drama, anime, japanese movies from 50's through 2000's, .... porn... heh Beating the shit out of dialup customers. w00t!!Bleaching my hair, MMORPGs, 1st person shooters, dancing with myself to good house/trance, drinking. Going to goth-night at the Balcony :D hella, going to Mulligans and playing pool badly.

I'd like to meet:

Friends: Appreciate music plz.

Easily offended people are not friend material for me, I sometimes say some fucked up shit -- I do NOT do racial jokes or dead-baby jokes but STILL!! I have a mouth.

If you write your opinions in ink, then fuck off! I only write them in pencil. Pencils have erasers.

If you use powders -- I will stab u. (i wont stab you , but you will hurt SO BAD!!

If you dont use condoms with those you make love to... I will stab u.

If you discriminate... you dont wanna know what I'll do to you.I crack jokes about people who discriminate against me, but I hang with them if they are so inclined.

The people I cant stand are TRANSPARENT PEOPLE !! I can see right through them

Yeah yeah yah, I will delete this post after I find something better to say about who i want to meet, but untill then... just DEAL!!


BT, Hybrid, Junkie XL, Crystal Method, Download, Juno Reactor, Paul Van Dyk, Hooverphonic, Tons of artists included in paul oakenfold's sets, Chicane, Peter Gabriel, Genesis, Eurithmics, Vangelis, Kate Bush, Steve Roach, Aphex Twin, Sasha's Airdrawndagger, , Chicane, Lisa Gerrard, Mark Isham, Claus Doldinger, Fleetwood Mac, Siouxsie and the Banshees,


The Abyss, Alien, Aliens, Brainstorm, Sin City, Strange Days, Bladerunner, La Femme Nikita, The Professional, Wasabe, The Fifth Element, Les Amants du Pont-Neuf, Mad Max, The Road Warrior, Sid and Nancy, Amelie, City of Lost Children, Delicatessen, The Very Long Engagement, The Human Stain, The Hours, Buffalo Soldiers, 8mm, A Beautiful Mind, Apollo 13, State of Grace, At Close Range, Coma The Grudge, the Tomie movie series--the tv series SUCKED though, Poltergeist, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, War of the Worlds, Terminator 1-3, Hellboy, Purple Rain (dont ask), The Ring, Novocaine, Fight Club, AI, Solaris, the 2004 Dawn of the Dead, Crash (the fetish one), Crash (2005 about racial strife), Predator I and II, Sphere, both Ghostbusters ^^, Hackers

---Whale Rider, Once Were Warriors, (maori films RULE!!)---

Steamboy, Ghost in the Shell I and II, Appleseed (newest one :D ), Perfect Blue, Akira, Millenium Actress, Robot Carnival, Memories, the first Vampire Hunter D and Bloodlust, The whole goddamn A-KO series, Hellsing series, Battle Angel Alita, Demon City Shinjuku (Makaitoshi Shinjuku), Lupin III, Cowboy Bebop ( every minute of all of it ), the whole Evangelion series and movies (2 movies right?), Serial Experiments Lain,

More favorites when I think of them...


Dead Like Me, Firefly, X-files, some buffy, Gargoyles, The Chappelle Show, tons of Star Trek , The Cosby Show, Frasier (as much as I can find), I did like cheers too,


"The Dead Zone" Stephen King

"The stand" Stephen King

"The Vampire Lestadt" Anne Rice

"Queen of the Damned" Anne Rice


The 4 "Doom" Novels -- Knee-Deep in the Dead (Doom, Book 1)

Doom: Hell On Earth (Doom, Book 2)

Infernal Sky (Doom, Book 3)

Endgame (Doom, Book 4)

Dafydd ab Hugh, Brad Linaweaver


"Sphere" Michael Crichton

"A World out of Time" Larry Niven.

"Ringworld" Larry Niven

"Flatlander" Larry Niven

"Underneath it All" Tracy Lord's autobiography.

The entire "Redwall" series from Brian Jacques.

The "Discworld" novels by Terry Pratchett

The "Magic Kingdom" novels. Terry Brooks

"Starship Troopers" Robert A. Heinlein

"Lost Souls" Poppy Z. Brite

Ok, I am braindead... more books as I think of them.


Beast of Xmen,

Goliath from "Gargoyles"

Panthro from "Thundercats"

Marv from "Sin City"

Bateu from "Ghost in the Shell"

Russel Crowe in "Gladiator"

Darkness from "Legend" (actually, I wanna kill him)

Bob 'Bulldog' Briscoe from "Frasier"

Vin Diesel

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson in "Standing Tall"... (seriously I had never seen him act EVER... good or not, he acted in this one, He was humble too)

Giovanni Ribisi

Joan Allen (pamela Landy) - in "Bourne Supremacy"

Ving Rhames in "Dawn of the Dead" and "Striptease"

both Michael Clarke Duncan (John Coffey) and David Morse (Brutus "Brutal" Howell) in "The Green Mile"

Both Ed Harris (Bud/Virgil Brigman) and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio (LindseyBrigman) in "The Abyss"

Beast of Xmen,

Goliath from "Gargoyles"

Panthro from "Thundercats"

Marv from "Sin City"

Bateu from "Ghost in the Shell"

Russel Crowe in "Gladiator"

Darkness from "Legend" (actually, I wanna kill him)

Bob 'Bulldog' Briscoe from "Frasier"

Vin Diesel

Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson in "Standing Tall"... (seriously I had never seen him act EVER... good or not, he acted in this one, He was humble too)

Giovanni Ribisi

Joan Allen (pamela Landy) - in "Bourne Supremacy"

Ving Rhames in "Dawn of the Dead" and "Striptease"

both Michael Clarke Duncan (John Coffey) and David Morse (Brutus "Brutal" Howell) in "The Green Mile"

Both Ed Harris (Bud/Virgil Brigman) and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio (LindseyBrigman) in "The Abyss"

This is gonna sound fucked up but Tom Cruise played a great dad in "War of the Worlds", he went from uninvolved, occasional custody, car juicing, immature dock worker to a man who literally killed to save his kids. Call me nutz, I like the characters infront of the curtain, I dont give a shit who they are behind it.

More when I think of them...

My Blog

Targeted advertising

Apparently I cant specify my sexual preference in my profile without getting stereotypicalgayidolunderwearmodels on my login screen or account management page. I mean, its never ANYTHING else. The ban...
Posted by Tom on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 03:00:00 PST

acute anxiety

my fucking retard shrink prescribed me Adderall... which is amphetamine salts. well, he never really payed much attention to my explaining that i had an anxiety problem for as long as i could remembe...
Posted by Tom on Tue, 07 Feb 2006 02:56:00 PST

Illuminating customers, yet again.

So, we (my job) had shitloads of regular modem users lose their service up in orofino idaho today. I called the phone company to see why our circuit with them ate shit, turns out some fiber optic cab...
Posted by Tom on Mon, 28 Nov 2005 11:07:00 PST